Tera Warner

How to Stop Food Cravings & Overeating with EFT

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food cravingsHow to Stop Food Cravings & Overeating with EFT

by Rebecca Johnson and Tera Warner

I admit that when Rebecca Johnson showed up as my new roommate a few months ago, I knew she was an “EFT expert,” but didn’t really think too much of it. I figured I’ve got such an extensive dose of self-help tools at my disposal, I wouldn’t really need her expert EFT skills.

Until one afternoon, I was grumpy and stressed and felt like crap! I made a joke and said, “Even though I feel like a complete stress bag, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.” Rebecca was in the room at the time and just started piping in a sequence of EFT commands and having me tap along and WHATDYA KNOW! It worked like a charm!

I thought it would be helpful to pass along this blog post and a few of Rebecca’s tips for anyone who might need a little late night nudge to steer clear of the refrigerator!

Listen In to a Live Session of Handling Food Cravings with EFT

A few weeks ago, Linda, one of our program participants bravely offered to put herself out there on our virtual stage for a complementary EFT session with Rebecca. Here’s what Linda was struggling with:

“For years I have had cravings towards sweets and complex carbs (healthy sweets, like dates, chocolate avocado mousse, 12 grain bread.) mainly in the evening.  These are the foods that sabotage me especially after 8 pm at night. Heaven forbid my grown children should bring home Girls Scout cookies or Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream. Once I see it I want it…it’s like the treat is calling out my name. Horrors! I succumb, knowing full well why I shouldn’t indulge…and feel disgusted with myself afterwards. I bet this even contributes to my hormonal imbalance.  So how would you classify this struggle?  Sweets cravings with no will power even though I know better? For heaven sakes I often teach classes on “How to make Green Smoothies” and how to improve your diet.”

You can listen to a recording of this powerful session here!

In this session you will hear Linda go through the challenge of really getting clear on the emotions she felt in her body before she gave in to a temptation to eat something she did not really want to be eating.

Then you will hear how the process of EFT helped Linda discover a very surprising reason why she was eating things she really did not want to be eating!

After our session Linda sent me the following email.


THANK YOU SO MUCH for the opportunity to work with you last night on the EFT call. WOW…I am really having a shift in my way of thinking about food and other things in my life because of our session.

EFT is very powerful and I am anxious to learn more and seek more breakthroughs. Thanks again for your gift of giving me an EFT session. Blessings to you as you share your wisdom and passion in helping people seek real freedom and change.

Tap Your Way to Freedom from Food Cravings & Overeating

Here is a tapping sequence you can use to get you started on addressing a specific craving:

First think about or look at the food you are craving and identify where you are feeling the desire or craving for the food in your body. Then ask yourself what emotion you are feeling about the fact that you are having the craving. Once you are aware of the emotion (it could be confusion, guilt, feeling conflicted, deprived etc…), rate on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest, 1 not being not very strong), how high the emotion is in your body, as well as how high the craving is. Once you have identified what you are feeling, where you are feeling it on your body, and how high it is, you can begin tapping.

DOWNLOAD THIS MAP OF THE EFT TAPPING POINTS: This is a special pdf of the key tapping points provided by Carol Look to accompany one of the many calls she has done with us. Carol Look is one of Rebecca’s teachers and mentors in EFT and you can access our most recent interview with Carol here.

Karate Chop Point:

Even though I feel (insert feeling), because I really want to eat this (insert the food you are craving), I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.

Even though this (insert food) is calling my name, and that makes me feel (insert feeling) I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I don’t think I should eat this (insert food), and I really want to, I choose to accept this part of me that wants this (insert food).

Top of the Head:

This craving


This craving

Side of the Eye:

I REALLY want to eat this (insert name of food)

Under the Eye:

And even though I want this food, and I wish I didn’t

Under the Nose:

I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.

Chin Point:

I wish I could eat this and not feel (fill in the blank).


But I do feel (blank).

Under the Arm:

And even so, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me anyway. I accept my feelings, and I choose to accept that I have this craving.

Now take a nice deep breath and check in with yourself. Has the intensity of the emotion gone up, down or stayed the same? How about the intensity of the craving?

Take a moment to listen to your body and what else it wants to say and continue tapping through the points as you allow yourself to discover more about what is really underneath the craving. Let us know how this process works for you, or ANY questions you may have about how to continue in the comment section below. Here’s to your freedom!

If You Need More Help

You can find Rebecca Johnson on Facebook and learn more about the services she has to offer. I experienced so much relief by having her in my home for a few months and love, love, love the gifts she brings and the light she is in the world. If you have emotional blocks you’d like to handle, I know Rebecca can be a powerful source of support and transformation for you.