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Wild Edibles: How To Get Started Learning To Eat Wild Edibles

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Wild Edibles: How To Get Started Learning To Eat Wild Edibles

By Melyssa Martin

Wild edible plants are around you every where you turn but many people have never explored the hidden food in their backyards.  It’s not uncommon to hear stories of people discovering wild edibles as a food source in search of natural remedies to ailments and disease.  But a major part of achieving a state of natural health and well-being involves living in balance with nature.  Wild edibles are a way to achieve this connection.  So let’s explore some simple ways to learn how to identify the little gems you can find when you step outside.

Tell Me What You Eat…

My interest with wild edibles started naturally in childhood. Someone in my family or circle of friends would identify something as edible and I would try it. I might not like it, as I was a rather picky food eater then, but it was a start. I believe we all have that innate curiosity and desire to connect with nature in childhood, but sometimes forget that as we become enmeshed in our lives. I was one of those that forgot.

Later in life, I met my husband whom had continued foraging since he was a child. It gives me pleasure to see him pick something, tell me what it is, and then eat it while we are out on hikes. There is a sense of empowerment I see in him when he forages for wild edibles. His confidence and comfort with nature’s bounty inspired me to learn more about eating wild edibles.

Wild edibles are considered by many to be one of the best sources for quality food on the planet. But beyond being a source of food, they are also have many healing properties that can be used to treat various ailments.

Getting started can be as easy as finding some books on the identification of wild edible plants, grabbing a pair of scissors or a weeding tool and stepping out into your backyard. But by far the best way is to learn from someone who is familiar with wild edibles. I have found a sense of fun and ease by engaging in nature and empowering myself in this way. It has given me a sense of security that I have a connection with that which is around me.

Benefits of Wild Edibles

Wild edibles are full of nutritional value. You can gather them at any time of the year – fresh and in season. The edibles have been exposed to your same environment and they develop according to that, which can transfer to you. They are preserved naturally until you need them. Along with that, you get the physical exercise of being outdoors while collecting. Even if you live in a city you can still transplant, or harvest the seeds and plant them, so you can enjoy your own edibles that are free from pesticides, herbicides or other chemicals. Wild edible benefits can translate to wherever you are at in life, and wherever you live.

Learning to Eat Wild Edibles

The use of wild edible plants for food or health requires some education. Lots of wild edible plants have non-edible or poisonous look-alikes. Remember: if you don’t know it, don’t eat it. Identification is key. If you need help identifying the difference between safe and toxic wild edibles, find a good field guide. Knowledge is power. It is empowering and it is something that can’t be taken away.

One of the other important keys to learning how to eat these is to be thoughtful in how you introduce them to your diet. If you never had something before, you don’t know if you might have a reaction to it. To mitigate that, focus on introducing one edible at a time in small quantities. This way, you can identify what you had, and it becomes less likely for you to have a large reaction.

Taking The Next Step

Do you have memories collecting wild edibles as a kid?

Would you like to create memories collecting wild edibles as an adult?

Do you want to feel that sense of self-empowerment and security?

Would you like to connect with nature?

Would you like to connect with yourself?

Do you have another reason which evokes the desire to learn more about wild edibles?

There are plenty of resources to help get you started on this journey. Find a recipe book that uses wild edibles. Find a good identification or field guide. Find someone that has the skills and knowledge to learn from! Learn how to identify wild edibles and use them in your diet for health, workbooks, coaching emails, online journal, dedicated Facebook groups, regular Q&A , ongoing support and comes with a lifetime membership, so you can retake the course anytime for free and get all the planned upgrades.

About Melyssa Martin

Melyssa Martin is passionate about natural health and natural living. This brought her to her passion of natural health and natural living. She is a massage therapist, yoga instructor, herbalist, energy worker and enjoys learning about every aspect of natural living. She is passionate about the empowerment of others so they can find their own balance in life and have the tools to make decisions that support their own health and wellness.