Tera Warner

Natural Beauty Care: 3 Scrumptious Strawberry Recipes for Healthy, Beautiful Skin

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Strawberries for Natural Beauty Care RecipesNatural Beauty Care:
3 Scrumptious Strawberry Recipes for Healthy, Beautiful Skin

by Guest Blogger

Strawberry season is definitely here! If you caught my last article with a few quick and easy recipes to help you make the most of this berry-licious season, then you’ll already be well-organized for treats you can eat with the whole family this summer.

But strawberries are much more than just a tasty treat for our taste buds.  They are also packed with beauty secrets!  Full of alpha-hydroxy acid, strawberries rejuvenate skin, leaving behind a fresh and glowing face (elbows or any other body part in need of exfoliation).  All you need are a few strawberries, honey and some salt to make your whole body glow! Here are a few easy recipes to help you do it:

Strawberry Mash Renewal Masque

Strawberries for Natural Beauty Recipes

Just cut open a strawberry and scrub away.  Relax and let the mash sit on your face for a bit, rinse, and reveal fresh, glowing skin.

Honey-berry Healing Masque

Strawberries for Natural Beauty Care RecipesBlend up a few strawberries with honey. Raw honey, when mixed with water, acts as a mild antiseptic and can be used on cuts and abrasions. It’s anti-oxidant power helps to reverse the damage caused by free radicals and “aging.” Honey also promotes new tissue growth, makes an amazing exfoliant that helps  shed dead skin, increase elasticity, stimulate collagen production, moisturize,  minimize lines and wrinkles, and makes you look younger.

So throw a dollop or two of this with strawberries in the blender for a super, succulent, natural beauty self-pampering indulgence! Spread on face and sit back to relax.  And please remember to lick your lips  and dip your fingers in it a bit.  It tastes as good as it feels.

After the mask has dried a bit, rinse with luke warm water and pat dry.

Strawberry Scrub

Blend up a cup of strawberries, 2 Tbsp coconut oil and 1Tbsp sea salt.  Use as a scrub on all those rough and ragged body parts.  Rinse, pat dry and reveal smoother, softer skin.  This is a powerful scrub, so be careful around delicate skin tissue.

You can see why I’m so excited for summer-time and strawberry season!  The health benefits of strawberries are numerous, from the cancer reducing ellagitannin, to the anti-inflammatory and collagen building properties shown to improve and prevent rheumatoid arthritis, to the glowing skin revealed by using a simple mask, strawberries pack a powerful punch.  Of course, with so many bene

fits,  it is a good thing we can have fresh, ripe strawberries most of the year round! Share some of your favorite ways to use strawberries below, and if you try any of these out on your gorgeous skin, we’d love to hear about it!

Natural Beauty MakeoverFor a complete natural beauty makeover, be sure to learn more about our Be Beauty program: A 30-Day Natural Beauty Makeover. This life-changing program has been a powerful source of change, inspiration and empowerment for hundreds of women already, and it can change your life, too.

Learn more about it here!