Tera Warner

The Benefits of the Bodacious Banana

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by Maureen Lauder

Bananas just might be the ideal snack food.  They have enough calories and fiber to be filling, and they’re easy to pack, easy to eat, and easy to clean up after.  Plus, they even come with their own biodegradable packaging!

But guess what? A banana is also a super healthy food!

  • Bananas are high in potassium, a mineral that provides crucial support for normal blood pressure and cardiovascular health.  Foods rich in potassium help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.
  • Potassium is also an important electrolyte that helps maintain the body’s
  • And potassium also helps prevent calcium loss and promote strong bones.
  • Consumption of bananas can substantially lower the risk of kidney cancer.
  • Plus, bananas are a high fiber food – which helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

And speaking of fiber, hoo boy, are bananas good for your digestion!

  • Bananas produce antacid effects in the stomach, thereby preventing ulcers and ulcer damage.   Bananas activate the cells of the stomach lining, which produce a thicker barrier against stomach acid.  Bananas also contain protease inhibitors, which eradicate the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.
  • Bananas contain fructooligosaccharide, a prebiotic that promotes healthy bacteria in the colon.  Eating bananas has been shown substantially to improve nutrient absorption.
  • Bananas can help restore electrolyte balance after a bout of diarrhea or improve elimination during a period of constipation (all that fiber, don’t you know).

And fortunately, bananas are easy to work into your diet.  They make for a wonderfully portable snack and add some creamy goodness to any smoothie.  You might also try raw banana ice cream:  Freeze a few bananas and then blend until smooth (you’ll need a decent blender or a juicer that homogenizes).  Eat plain or blend in carob or berries for flavor.