Tera Warner

Natural Alternatives to Conventional Shampoos, Soaps, Lotions, and Shower Gels

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– by Shelia Edwards

natural hair and skin care

With eating a healthier diet, comes the quest for more natural health and beauty aids.    Thankfully these days, shampoos laden with parabens, sulfates, cones, alcohol and other drying ingredients can be replaced with more natural choices.

When I use conventional soaps, lotions, shower gels, shampoos, conditioners, and other products, I can see and feel the difference in my skin.  My skin is dryer and tighter, and itchy.  My hair is drier with all of the chemicals in some of the shampoos and hair care products.  On the other hand when I use all natural products, I feel much better wholistically.  My skin is softer, more even-toned, moisturized, and healthier looking.

With PCOS, I have to be careful what I put onto my body as well as what I put on the inside.  Whatever we put onto our skin will seep into the inside just as our food does and can wreak havoc on your system causing hormonal imbalances.  A lot of conventional products have estrogens and additional chemicals  in them which can disrupt the natural order of things.  This is why it is very important to use all-natural products when available.

Here is a list of ideas, products, and places to go when you’re looking for more natural alternatives

  • Henna can be utilized as an deep conditioner and colarant for your hair.
  • My favorites are Bronner Brothers Peppermint Soap for shower gel and shampoo.
  • I love to shampoo and clarify with Bragg’s Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and water.  Afterwards, my hair is soft, shiny, and more manageable.
  • Lemon juice streaked through your hair  and sitting in the sun will give you natural highlights throughout your hair.
  • Another great hair clarifier, is the baking soda and water rinse.  This leaves your hair soft and silky.
  • Jojoba oil worked through your hair and letting it sit for 30 minutes to an hour does wonders for your hair and strengthens hair .
  • I also use coconut oil as a skin moisturizer and hair strengthener.
  • Raw Shea butter is great as a deep conditioner and skin moisturizer too.
  • Whole Foods has a great collection of natural hair care products.  My favorites are Kinky Curly all natural and organic ingredients.
  • Also, there is an all natural body shop that carries natural products.  The shop Smell Good Café carries only natural products for sale.  The shop carries raw shea butter, natural body oils, lotions, shower gels, natural candles, natural facial cleaners and toners, and organic soaps to name a few (www.thesmellgoodcafe.com).  They will also add a scent to your products if you so desire.  The facial cleanser and toner have to stay with the original botanical scent.  I tried the citrus lavender organic soap, and it is lovely and lightly-scented.
  • I also frequent the farmers market and purchase the organic and natural soaps from Moondance Soaps ( www.moondancesoaps.com).  My favorite handmade soap is “heaven scent”.  They also offer shaving cream, dog shampoo soap, and many other natural and organic items. Check out the websites and the great products offered.