Tera Warner

Little People With Big Things to Say: An Interview With Almost 10-Year Old Mika Botkin

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I’ve interviewed a lot of incredible people in my day, but recently I had the opportunity to interview a courageous young woman about her thoughts and feelings on the subject of “raw food” and “Raw Moms”.

At the end of this short  10 minute interview, I asked Mika what advice she had for moms listening to this call. I think you’ll be pleased with her response. She certainly surprised me with her answer to the questions: “When you are a mom, what are you going to feed your kids?”

We put a lot of attention on what the grown-ups have to say about food and eating and we figured it was about time we put some attention on what the little voices have to share. The more we understand how they view their experiences with the meals and food we prepare, the better equipped we are for understanding them.

Mika has sage advice for parents, so listen in and let us know what you think of this little interview.


More Great Stuff for Kids Coming Soon

We’re currently working on our Monkey Mike website so that kids will have more opportunities to inform themselves about fresh food and healthy living. Watch for more about that this summer.

Raw Mom Director, Fiona Hollis and Raw Mom Kristen Froelich are also working on producing a series of lesson plans that moms around the world will be able to bring to their local schools to help educate and inform school children in a fun and playful way about the importance of eating more fruits and vegetables. There are some exciting things coming, so stay tuned.

What Do Your Kids Have to Say?

If you’d like to take the time to interview your little ones and find out what BIG things they have to say, we’d love to hear from you. Whether on video, audio or even an in-print transcript of your cozy conversations. Let’s work together to understand how they feel so we can find the right tools and solutions to get the whole family on the fast track to healthy living.

Love and support,

Mika’s Mom

aka Tera

Carissa Leventis-Cox’s 3 yr old: Has his say!