Tera Warner

In Chlorophyll I Trust, For Chocolate Cravings I Will Bust

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Hey there, frisky critters. I’ve been slimed!

I can’t believe how I have upped the green quotient this week! I’m practically impressed with myself. I’ve fallen in love with one of the green supplements we’re using in the 6-Week Detox. As a multi-tasking, somewhat over-ambitious, self-employed, single-mother, being able to drop a blob of swamp scum in water and call it a meal is a luxury I can handle. To top it all off, by upping my greens I have completely handled my chocolate cravings. Amazing!

Those of you who were listening in on my consultation with Dr. Ritamarie know that I have to give up the chocolate for a while. Interesting reasons why, too, but a bit too juicy for the blog. You’ll have to listen in to the consultation if you want to know why. 😉

I’m SOoooooOOOooo glad I’ve given myself this week to wean myself off a few foods. I’m both fascinated and shocked at how completely unconscious my food choices are sometimes. This detox is challenging me in so many ways. Last night MAC took me on a date. We just went to a cozy, nearby bistro where I ordered tea and a salad. He ordered other stuff that probably tasted great but were most certainly NOT on the menu. Thanks to the ho-ho-holy-cow-did-I-ever-eat-too-much disease of the holidays, I have been a bit more liberal than usual in my finger-dipping. Last night I observed myself putting back new boundaries and resisting the formerly-irresistible foods I’d been nibbling on. I admit that the most effective trick for me was massaging the cyst on the side of my cheek.


Why do we wait until there’s a problem before we prioritize our health? I guess prevention is a pretty good medicine. Feeling the little lump on my cheek is just a reminder to keep things in check. I’ve spent the week weaning myself off most things, but have until Monday to reach my 100% liquid diet ideal which I’ll be carrying out for the next 6 weeks.

**Several hours later…*

Oh oh! What a revelation.

MAC just left for New York for the weekend. Sitting here alone, I think I finally understand my relationship to food. Looks like I’ll be white-knuckling through the weekend. This detox is forcing me to make some pretty strong evaluations and observations about my food choices. Like this one:

You can eat all the great food, fancy superfoods and Omega fatty acids you want, but you if you don’t sit down, relax and CHEW, CHEW, CHEW your food, you’re wasting money, time and creating toxicity. So, simply practicing the art of eating, sitting and chewing with patience requires a rather significant act of discipline for me.

As for our 21-Day Challenge challenge, all this talk of detox doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for cleaning up your house and sorting your finances for the year! I recommend taking a bit of time to look through the categories we laid out at the beginning:

  1. Attitude
  2. Fitness/Activity
  3. Spirituality/Creative Expression
  4. Sensuality
  5. Health
  6. Family
  7. Relationships
  8. Beauty
  9. Home
  10. Money/Abundance.

Have you taken the time to review the different areas in your life? I had a 2-hour accounting meeting and a another one with my banker, so I can scratch the financial review off the list. This is definitely an area where I have a lot of room for improvement. (I seem to prefer focusing on the green stuff with chlorophyll in it.)

Since MAC is gone for the weekend, I’ll be focusing on some of my professional and personal goals. I’ll be spending some time going through clothes, and getting some of the things I need for my apartment. For those of you who are a bit more settled than I am, you may want to try our 30-Day Clutter Free Diva program. In order to help inspire you with your new year’s resolutions and start the year off right, we’ve put this program on a temporary half-price offer. It’s one of our best, but lesser-known programs. We just spend so darn much time talkin’ about food, we forget to talk about the declutter program, but it is an AMAZING program for anyone wanting to spiff up the home front.

In just a few moments we’ve got a support call for the 6-Week Detox.

I think I need it. 🙂

Love and loney vibes,
