Tera Warner

The Sweet Smell Of Personal Responsibility

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The other night, I was walking home in the dark at a pretty swift pace.

I try and remember to breathe, look at the stars, notice things…

I walked past a bush of large white flowers that were tucking themselves in for the night. They were slipping and twisting themselves to sleep. But there was one that was still mostly open. I guess she was a bit of a night owl, like me. I noticed it there, and she must have noticed me, too, because she blasted me with the most intoxicatingly sweet smell I have ever encountered.

I walked past, initially, without really noticing. Then, almost as if to say, “Hey! I’m talking to youuuu!” the aroma grabbed me by the nostrils and whipped me around.

I found her. I stood there in the dark while she tickled the end of my nose with her softness. In that moment all the pleasure and serenity that a person could ever wish for enveloped me through whatever particles and sparkles of life came together to create that experience. I was intoxicated with gratitude and humility.

When you live your life with the intent to make the world a better place, it’s not in the interests of making yourself a “hero”. It’s because you realize that your health, happiness, and ability to succeed is completely dependent upon the well-being of every other entity on this planet. When you realize this, colors become brighter and sweet, sleepy flowers even take the time to thank you for who you are and how you love the world.

But even Humanitarians make mistakes, sometimes. 😉

THAT is not an easy thing to realize, but it’s even harder to admit.

It comes with a rather extraordinary opportunity, though–an opportunity to stare responsibility in the face and make a choice: RUN or DIVE!

We dove.

I am about to give you the link to our latest program.

We believe it’s pretty important to make this information available for FREE to anyone who has supported us until now, and anyone they care about, too. It’s part of how we take responsibility for any problems that may have been created by what we thought we knew.
It’s not that we have been very far off, because thousands of people have been getting AMAZING results with what we’ve done. Our programs, for their short term duration and as transitional programs are VERY effective. Where we have faultered, is in making assumptions that we “knew all about it” or in thinking that we didn’t have more to learn.

The TRUTH, is that we still have A LOT more to learn.

And we’d like you to learn it with us.

Maybe we’ve just begun to see what’s possible for human health and well-being.

Until October 27th, we’re accepting ANY AND ALL registrations to this program.

Thank you for being here and for trusting us.

Here’s to your health, Sister! We have a feeling that big changes are coming for a lot of people, and we think it’s about time someone stepped up to tell THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR FOOD.