Tera Warner

The perfume of peaches…

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Bask in it, Ladies.

I’m often overwhelmed, intoxicated and profoundly grateful for how sensual, how succulent, how perfectly delicate and colorful and JUICY life is when one is committed to an abundance of fruits and vegetables. I won’t deny my dull yearning for salty, cooked classics from time to time, but there is nothing that can compare to my giddiness when taking a stroll through a fresh produce market.

Parsley–so spunky and spikey and brave. Just nibbling those curly, crisp leaves makes me giggle.
Romaine–the stallion of the greens. So strong and delicious. CRUNCH!

Cherry and grape tomatoes. And of course, cherries themselves! All that rich, staining color packed into a succelent “pop” of a bite.

The creamy ecstasy of avocado. Not just any avocado. The fat ones from Florida!

Grapes. I can get lost in dreamy wonder when I think of all the different kinds…

I’m enjoying being single right now, but I dare say I’ve a love affair with fruits and vegetables that is stronger than myself.

I’m almost embarrassed to talk about how I felt the other day when seduced by the perfume of a handsome white peach.


I blush sometimes and nibble and giggle and fill my basket with an orchestra of textures, colors and sensory indulgences and OH! all the juicy wonderfulness I can possibly fit!

Just thinking about it weakens my knees.

I’m going shopping!

Go make a spectacle of yourself and fall in love with fruit and veggies!

Fall in love with life!
