Tera Warner

Yoga – Keep Your Body Supple and Mind Relaxed

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by Ruth

Lots of women wonder what exercise they should be doing during pregnancy. Swimming and walking are great – but sometimes lethargy can take over.

Its good to remember that stretching your body in a gentle yet powerful way is great to build core strength and ensure proper physical alignment. If we are out of line, we can create knee, hip and back problems later on. You carry your baby for 9 months within you, and then a good few years on the outside! Love your body.


The practice of Yoga helps you centre yourself, connect with your breath, gently tone your body, find peace and joy in the wonder of life unfolding inside your womb, prepare mentally and physically for a beautiful birth.

? Viparita Karani (legs up the wall) is great gentle inversion for relieving fluid retention and swelling in the ankles, and also helps regulate blood pressure.

? Virabhadrasana II (warrior 2) for building energy within the body when fatigue hits.

? Squatting with feet pointing forward, hands together in prayer position with elbows against inner thighs, this helps prepare and open the body for labor, however it is contraindicated after 36 weeks if the baby is not in the most optimal birthing position (ie. posterior or breech)
? Tree Any balance poses are of great help. Its good to cultivate balance throughout the change and flux of pregnancy.

For all you experienced yoginis it is wise to be aware that Nauli Kriya is considered a contraceptive activity and would be best left out of your daily practice if you are trying to conceive.