Tera Warner

ReThink Pink – Raising Breast Health (Not Breast Cancer) Awareness

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It Happens Every 3 Minutes

by Tera Warner


A Few Facts About Breast Cancer


Every 3 minutes in the US alone a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer.

We see pink ribbons plastered on highway banners, cosmetic containers and buckets of fried chicken.

 But did you know:

  • Physical exercise can reduce the risk of dying of cancer by up to 50% (even after your diagnosis)
  • Vitamin A and Vitamin D are nature’s most potent cancer fighters, and can reduce your risk of getting cancer by 78%
  • Soy products are breast-cancer  magnets!
  • Unfermented soy should be avoided.
  • Bras with underwires? Ditch ‘em! Nasty stuff! Just throw that out!
  • In 1960 1 in 20 women were diagnosed. Today it’s 1 in 8o.
  • 80 percent of breast lumps are non-cancerous.
  • 80 percent of women diagnosed have no family history of breast cancer.

A Few Facts About Breast Health


There’s a lot to know about breast cancer, but did you know these things about breast health:breast-exam196x413

  • Fatty tissue in the breasts (designed to make them receptive to environmental cues) causes them to be like “sponges” to pollutants in the environment.
  • Breasts are the last organ in our bodies to develop!
  • Humans are the only mammals who have breasts that develop in puberty and stick around in their shapely glory regardless of our reproductive cycles.
  • The shape of the human breast may have influenced the development of our palates and oral motor skills enabling our speech skills to advance.
  • Breasts naturally adjust their temperature to regulate the baby’s body temperature during nursing!
  • There are over 400+ available nutrients (including probiotics) in breast milk!

The Big Question


This may be a silly question,  but do you think if we’d have spent more time talking about breast health, we’d have less breast cancer? Here’s to hoping!


The world’s best breast health event is now on! Don’t miss it!

Hope you can join us!

Love without underwires,

Stop Running For The Cure. Join Us To Stand Up For The Cause.


There are pink parades, pom poms and paraphernalia that line the streets and shopping aisles in the name of “finding a cure.” But with millions of dollars in fund-raising, why are rates of breast cancer (and all cancers) still on the rise. Something stinks about all this pink and we’re going to find out why!