Tera Warner

Music moves us!

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Dancing the night away On Saturday night I put on a twirly skirt and went to a dance club with my roommate! The place was playing some great 80s classics, and we had so much fun I can hardly believe it. I had intended to go for a run that day and didn’t manage. So I thought I’d do my yoga DVD, but then just didn’t get that done, either.

So at 11:30 when she proposed a dance club, I thought, HEY! I may just get my workout yet!

And I definitely did.

Have you blared the music lately in your living room, and danced like no one was watching?

Too many windows? Worried about someone seeing you?

I have been known to lock myself in the bathroom with an ipod and funk it up until the sweat beads start to gather on my brow.

Music moves us. If you’re struggling to fit in fitness, turn up the tunes and let THEM move YOU.

Love and hugs,