Tera Warner

Energy Soup for the Soul: Dr. Flora VanOrden III is Coming To Visit

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We are sooooo excited to announce that we have a VERY special guest who will be joining us on Sunday at 3:00pm for an exclusive and rare telephone interview. Dr. Flora VanOrden III is going to be sharing with us the tips, tricks and heart-warming stories of her extensive experience with Dr. Ann Wigmore, as well as what she does now to inspire and encourage others to follow a raw food path.

She’s reduced her food bill to virtually pennies and has devoted her entire life to serving and educating others about high energy living. We want to make sure that all Raw Divas and their loved ones and anyone with two ears and an open mind are invited to this inspirational call.

Here’s what you’ll need to make it to the call.

Print this page off, stick it on your fridge, and be sure to join us.

EVENT: Dr. Flora’s amazing life and sustainability
DATE & TIME: Sunday, June 1st at 3:00pm Eastern
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast)


It’s not a coincidence that this call falls on the 1st of June! As you know Tera’s been warming herself up for a green adventure and Amy’s getting on board. The two of them will be committing themselves to a month of HIGH GREEN, Sprouty goodness and looooow fruit consumption.

And here ye, here ye, fearers of fat! We will also be keeping the fat content very, very low! Let’s see what happens! We’re excited about the adventure and will be journaling abot our food, our favorite recipes and the emotional detox that will no doubt take place as we wean ourselves off a few treats and indulgences we’ve come to delight in.

Give it up for June the Month of Green Living at it’s finest! Join us as we kick off this green adventure on June 1st with this SUPER inspirational call with Dr. Flora VanOrden III.

We’ll be keeping you posted!

Love and green, grassy hugs,

Tera and Amy