Tera Warner

Debbie Rosas Helps You Cultivate Your Curves and Get That Body Moving

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If you’ve ever worked out tirelessly with bands, bricks, barbells and way too tight running shoes only to feel like you were still missing something in your fitness routine, then chances are you have never tried Nia.

You can run marathons and workout at the gym three times a week, but what about your curves? When do they get to play?

And what about that insatiable calling within to dance, to move express to explore what your body can do? Here to help answer that call from within and a few of our questions on this subject is the co-founder of Nia, Debbie Rosas.

Here are some of the questions I asked her in this interview:

I’ve heard people use diet and drugs and antidepressants to overcome many of the things that you dealt with in your own life, but from what I understand, movement really awakened something within you. Have you seen this produce similar results in your clients?

Can you share another story with us? One that comes to mind…?

It has always been something I crave–to dance, and yet I don’t do it because I’m afraid I won’t do it right. I just don’t know how to do it.  What are some of the things you observe women have to let go of in order to really enjoy the process of Nia? (besides their to do lists)

I know you spent a lot of time really studying the body to learn what makes sense in terms of how we move. How did we get so far away from what is natural?

We invited you here to talk about fitness, but I could have asked you to discuss Attitude, Relationships, Career and even spirituality. Nia is a lifestyle. It’s not just a dance. Can you talk to us about how this is true for you?

People spend years in therapy and on fancy diets… what if all they have to do is just get up and start moving?

Can you talk to us about what makes Nia great for all women in particular?

How does it work? There are belts and classes and teachers and –just give us an overview for people who are interested and looking where to start.

Do you have some suggestions for women listening to this? How they can get started experiencing the freedom of Nia in the comfort of their own living room?

You can listen to this interview here:
