Tera Warner

How to Choose Skin Care Products That Won’t Get Lodged in Your Liver

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authentic beauty productsHow to Choose Skin Care Products That Won’t Get Lodged in Your Liver

~ Jodie Cleave

What happens to the cream you put on your skin? Where do all those ingredients go?  To better help us answer this question, let’s take a look at what happens when we put certain things on the skin. 

If It’s On Your Skin, It’s In Your Bloodstream

You might know of someone who is wanting to give up smoking and has been prescribed nicotine patches by their doctor. These are known as transdermal (through the skin) patches which are used to administer medication, or in this case, nicotine.

Transdermal patches are often used for medications that are destroyed by stomach acid or are rapidly broken down by the liver. Because the medication can bypass the gastrointestinal tract and not be diluted, it directly accesses the bloodstream without traveling through the stomach or liver, ensuring the dose is effective.

In essence, applying a chemical directly onto your skin, offers speedy access straight into the blood vessels and then into your organs.

With that in mind, flip over your favorite beauty care products and attempt to read the ingredient labels.

If you manage to identify what exactly is in the product (you can do this by using Skin Deep Database), you may be startled to discover, that you’re marinating in a chemical concoction that if swallowed, would make you very ill.

The Real Cause of Saggy Skin and Wrinkles

When you bathe, shower or wash your hands in hot water, you dilate (further open) your pores, letting even more chemicals in.

[tweet_dis inject=”#authenticbeauty”]Your skin will absorb more chlorine into your body during a shower, than it will if you drink the water directly.[/tweet_dis] When you digest the water, your saliva and the enzymes in your liver to help digest and eliminate toxins in it.

The absorption of harmful chemicals is one the largest causes of cellular decline and the major cause of sags and wrinkles, cell oxidization and slower cell turnover.

To add insult to injury, this decline in your skin cell function is what you’re trying to fix with the lotions and potions, in the first place.

Those marketing companies have done their jobs well. They’ve identified and targetted your fears in order to sell you a never ending list of products claiming to fix them for you while all the while, actually making things worse.

How to Choose Safe Skin Care Products

So, how do you choose skin care products that won’t get lodged in your liver?

[tweet_dis inject=”#authenticbeauty”]Don’t put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t put in your mouth.[/tweet_dis]
Could it really be that simple to repair and care for your skin?

In a word, yes!

Beautiful ingredients such as virgin cold pressed coconut oil, jojoba oil, apple cider vinegar, and wild harvested or organic essential oils are all you need to soothe your stressed skin back to vitality and glowing health.

If you can’t pronounce it, don’t use it!

Authentic Beauty is simple and it works. If you want natural beauty recipes and more authentic beauty inspiration, come visit our Facebook page or check out our Authentic Beauty Skincare and Oral Health Care products.


Authentic Beauty directorJodie Lea Cleave is our Authentic Beauty Director, inspiring women to step away from conventional, chemical-drenched notions of beauty and remember that the most beautiful thing you can be, is YOU!

She shares regular recipes, interviews and inspiration to support your adventures in simple, natural and empowering self-care. She can’t wait to see your gorgeous face on the Authentic Beauty Facebook Page!