Tera Warner

The worst mistake you’ve ever made.

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visual bombardment of all those impossibly perfect pictures

It Happens 3000 Times a Day!

by Tera Warner

That’s how often an ad from cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, weight loss industry, fashion, food, cars, and unnecessary kitch comes hurling itself toward you.

In the visual bombardment of all those impossibly perfect pictures, you may have overlooked the fact that those flashy ads and billboards were paid for by someone whose intention was not to inspire, empower, uplift or support you.

When you put a lot of attention on what people should “fix,” what’s “wrong” with them, what they cannot do, or how they do not measure up, you have the perfect recipe for rampant insecurity and endless shopping sprees!

In the constant barrage of bold promises, big guarantees and authoritative opinions on which pill to pop, where to shop, who to trust, how to spend, what to eat, where to sleep and who to believe, a very important, but quieter, voice goes on whispering virtually unnoticed–YOURS!

The Biggest Mistake You’ve Ever Made

Everyone’s got an opinion about what your problems are and how you should fix them. Everyone’s got big ideas about what’s “wrong” with you and how you should look, act, walk, talk, shop, dress or spend your time and money.

If you stop and look back on your life honestly, I suspect you’ll discover that the worst mistakes you’ve ever made started at about the same time you shoved aside your own better judgement to make someone else more “comfortable.”

If you ever tried to:

  • “avoid confrontation” or try not to “ruffle feathers” even though it made you feel worse
  • buy into someone’s opinions about who you are and what you’re capable of, ignoring your own feelings
  • back down instead of stand up to life, because someone else’s opinions about “the way things work” stole the show,

then chances are good you may struggle to feel decisive, confident, strong and on purpose in your life.

Take a walk outside, a few deep breaths and look around at your life–the trees, the bees, the breeze that moves them. When things feel out of focus, off balance and you’re stuck in a rut, slow down enough to hear yourself again. The best asset you’ve got, your key player, your number one ally in life and the most affordable, cosmically qualified, bang-on-accurate spiritual guidance counselor you’ve ever had, is you.

Love and hugs,



Our latest celebration of authenticity is starting up very soon on May 17th. You can sign up here for our UN-covergirl challenge. It’s totally free, loads of fun and we could use a firecracker like you helping to show the world just how beautiful authenticity can be! 😉

“I Am Exactly Where I Should Be!”

Robien HaliBefore I started the Virtual Retreat, I had too many questions going through my mind and I thought I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The most helpful part of the program was first of all, learning to adjust my way of communication if I want people to understand me. Also, I love that I found out how I went wrong in my career. I will never NOT listen to my intuition!

What changed… a new journey is starting. But I know now, that communication is more than just being me. And I also learned, that I am exactly where I should be. And I learned that I am responsible for everything happening to me. I knew this before, I never really put the blame elsewhere, but I understand it better now. Which means, I can change it.

I’ve done many online courses, and the personal moments I shared with Alison and Tera were amazing. You both answered all my questions and MORE than that. Tera’s mission, about helping a single women, well, that’s how it feels, like I was the only one. So for sure it was worth it. I felt happy all through the course.

I do recommend this course because it is an investment for the rest of your life. A bigger gift you cannot give to yourself. I learned so many useful tools and I felt I could ask anything. The personal sessions with Alison and Tera were heartwarming. Sometimes women need to be in a safe sisterhood place to gain confidence again. I felt so happy all through the course!

Thank you

~ Robien Hali, Holland


In case you’re not sure where to find yourself these days, you might like to come and take a look over here.

What If the Solution Has Been There All Along? 
What If the Solution, is YOU?