Tera Warner

How to find the real YOU!

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Will the Real You Please Come Out & Play?

by Tera Warner

Hey there, Sunshine!

In your efforts to avoid conflict, be “nice”  and “just get along” with everyone, do you ever feel like you’ve lost yourself a little?

*deeeep breath*

Stop for a moment and try to remember what life felt like before the need to be liked sucked the wind out of your sails?

Remember wearing poorly staggered pigtails and colorful undies with the days of the week written on them?

Did you ever have dirty-fingernails or peanut butter-stained pants without a care in the world what others thought about it?

Before You Learned to Be “Likeable,” You Were Just Busy Being You!

Can you recall a time when you didn’t think so carefully about what you said before you said it?

You weren’t afraid to sound silly or stupid or socially unacceptable, you just blurted things out and burst about being yourself.


Even though it might feel as though it’s been a while since your inner, unstoppable firecracker came out to enjoy herself–she’s still in there waiting for you to get a funky pair of Wednesday undies and find your spirit of play again!

Somehow, with all the standing in line, sitting at desks and writing between the margins, life has become awfully “serious.”

Your Spirit of Play is Still Alive Inside!

The good news is, your spirit of play is alive and well–she’s just hidden under layers of seriousness and long to do lists! There’s a way to get back in the game of living your best life.

Read these stories and you’ll see what I mean!

So many women lost their zip and zest for life, but found it again! It wasn’t deep in some self-help book collecting dust on a shelf.It was with them. The whole time.

They just didn’t know how to see it! 😉

That’s why we created the Lifestyle Design Virtual Retreat!

If you’re feeling ready to take the steering wheel back on life and start directing it to where you’d *really* like to go, then join us for the next version of our Virtual Retreat. It starts up in just a few days and we have a couple places left!!

You’ll get all the care, attention, support and transformation of a live retreat, without the expensive airline tickets, long customs line ups or jet lag! 😉

Hope to speak with you soon and help get you back to feeling like the fun-loving firecracker you really are! 😉


The Next Virtual Lifestyle Design Retreat Starts Soon.
Come Play With Us!