Tera Warner

How I Learned To Live My Dream (Instead Of Someone Else’s!)

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How I Learned to Live My Dream (Instead of Someone Else’s!)

By Laura de Leon

From the outside, I must have seemed very successful. I had a desirable job, a dependable husband, a comfortable home, healthy children, and a positive perspective.

In reality, though? Everything was falling apart.

I did well at work, but was not excited about my career. Friends invited me out, but I kept making excuses to stay home. I exercised every day, but drank a bottle of wine at night. I had healthy children, but I was never really present with them. And I rarely had a conversation with my husband that didn’t erupt into an argument.

I had always done what people had wanted me to do. I had always followed the instructions. Why wasn’t it working anymore?

Whose Dream Is It, Anyway?

Finally I figured it out. I was conforming to implicit agreements I’d made long ago – agreements with my parents, my teachers, my town, my society.

And I wasn’t happy. I didn’t feel fulfilled. I achieved, but my achievements felt empty.

I thought I knew what my dream was, what I was reaching for, but I didn’t. This wasn’t it. But what was it? Before I could live my dream, I needed to define it.

I stopped reaching and started asking: Who am I? What do I want? What makes me happy? How would I like to contribute? If I could live my dream, what would that actually look like?

I visualized the scene: Where was I? How did it feel? What did I see? Who was I with? Then, I walked into it. I heard, saw, smelled, tasted, and touched everything in my mind. THERE was my dream.

I kept walking into it every morning before I left the house, quickly during the day as often as I could, and at night before bed. I read self-help books, listened to inspiring speakers, took programs, did yoga, and even meditated. At some point, I actually started to feel like I was the person who I had created in my visualizations.

Time to Live My Dream!happy-woman-green-jump-forest200x300

Feeling different and making better choices despite not living in different circumstances is a major game changer! For the first time since childhood, I felt alive. At the same time, I realized that it was not at all about me.

Once I found myself being the person I wanted to be, seeing my truth, and living my dream, I became so much happier. I intuitively knew that I was good and powerful. I doubted less and had more energy. I was able to face my fears. Most importantly, I wanted to focus on others. I stopped trying to be interesting and started being interested. Life is so much sweeter from this angle my friends.

Live your life, your dream, your reality — no one else’s.

What’s your dream — your REAL one? And how will you live it?

If you liked Laura’s personal story, please leave a comment and tell her!  And please share with your friends!


laura150x200Laura de Leon is an enthusiastic, hard-working, people-loving, gal-next-door holistic health coach. She is the mother of twins, a wife, a daughter, a sister, and most importantly, a good friend. She is interested in others, in their unique abilities and contributions, and she knows the power and potential in each of us. She’s  got an advanced degree in Health Product Regulation and has worked for more than a decade in the pharmaceutical industry, but enough about that! Her mission these days is to inspire and guide you toward health and authenticity. Get in touch and discover just how easy, how fun, and how uplifting healthy living can be!

You can contact Laura by going to her website here – or emailing her at [email protected].


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