Tera Warner

Why I Learned To Say “No”

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 Why I Learned To Say “No”

by Tera Warner

I Took a Long Time to Learn the Word, “No!”

I remember a lecture about breast cancer. There was someone at the front of the room who addressed a crowd of women and said, “raise your hand if after a long day at work, when you’re tired and ready to rest, if you got a call from your aunt or some relative who needed you to go to the pharmacy and pick up her prescription for her, you’d jump in the car and do it?”An alarming majority of women raised their hands, at which point the speaker said, “You are the most likely women in this room to develop breast cancer.”


I’ve always been a bit of a word nerd–looking to make my mark with the alphabet, yet in spite of my passion for pronunciation and love of language, it took me a long time to learn how to say, “no!”

Two Easy Letters, One Tough Word to Say

Tera200x300In the last 6 months I’ve made some big decisions to remove the things, people, projects and distractions from my life that were not bringing me closer to where I really want to go.

I shut down programs, projects and let a few people go to pursue another path in life while I fortified my own.

I’ve downsized and decluttered and now things are feeling pretty good around here. We have a spanky, new website to prove it! 😉

With 3000 incoming media messages per day, it’s no wonder we lose ourselves in an ocean of distractions and diversions that take our attention, energy and livingness away from the things that matter most.

I know you love doing good things for other people. I know you believe in the best parts of others and in what the world has to offer, and that’s a beautiful gift you bring to the world.

But if your attention and energy get too dispersed because you’re trying to do it all, you’ll start to feel frazzled and frizzy-haired and the fire inside you will fizzle.

You have a lot to give. Your love is enormous, but you’ve got to remember to stop and take the time to organize what matters most. Sometimes the best way to do that means looking around at all the people and places and even personal belongings demanding your attention and learn how to say “no.”

Let go of what you don’t need, say “no” to what doesn’t ultimately serve you so you can give more of the life, love, attention and energy you do have to the things and people and projects you love most.

Love and the space to express and enjoy it,


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