Tera Warner

Interview With Meghan Telpner – How To Go On The Perfect UNdiet

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Interview With Meghan Telpner – How To Go On The Perfect UNdiet

A wishsummit.com interview


Some count calories, and some pinch inches.  Some trim their fat, some skip out on sugar.  Some nibble, some binge, but no matter who you are or what you eat, chances are good  you’re looking for glowing health, and you want to feel good about the skin you’re in.  But all this pinching of inches, all this stepping on scales, usually ends most of us up in a roller coaster relationship with our food.  And the way to get off isn’t another diet, not another quick fix or  more counting of calories, but by learning how to make love in your kitchen, and get yourself on an eternal  ‘undiet’.  Here to help us make it happen is the firecracker of friendliness and fresh eats, Meghan Telpner.

You can listen to this enlightening interview right here:

Meghan Telpner

Meghan Telpner

Meghan Telpner is a Toronto based nutritionista and sought after media personality thanks to her refreshingly humorous, engaging and real approach to healthy living. Her online cooking courses and health programs are improving the lives of people around the world. Meghan’s book UnDiet, Eat Your Way toVibrant Health will be released North America wide in April, 2013. Join Meghan’s community on twitter@MeghanTelpner. For more visit MeghanTelpner.com.


The next session for our BE-Clean program is starting April 19th!  Come join us to: restore your energy,improve your health & shoot your confidence through the roof !  Our 30-Day Program will clean & green your home & leave you feeling free of trapped energy and muddled thoughts!