Tera Warner

With Love From Mexico

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With Love From Mexico

By Tera Warner

I’m sitting here beside the surf on the sandy white beaches of Tulum and couldn’t resist stopping to write to you about a few things sitting on the tip of my heart strings.

What an incredible experience to be up close and personal with a group of courageous and beautiful women who, for a short while, want to leave what they knew to be true about life behind them.   For a week they can be whoever they want. For a week they can escape their family, their feuds, their inexhaustible to dos.  In a place where the sky and sand stretch to forever you can get a glimpse of what life feels like when the barriers fall away and the only thing you need to consider is “how good can it get?” 

Something happens with the hearts and souls of these women when they rock up here for a personal revolution in self-love and authenticity.

What’s Your Story?

I wish I could sit down on the sand and listen to your story–how you got here, the silly mistakes you made along the way by loving too much, trying too hard, being too nice or too scared or just too much.  I’d love to hear what’s gotten locked up in your heart and what life would feel like if you could spill all that crap into the sea with me!  But since you’re there and I’m here, I thought what I’d do instead is share what I tell every woman who comes to Tulum, and that is this:

No matter where you’ve been, no matter what you’ve seen…

No matter how sick or thick-skinned people seem…

No matter what you’ve done…

No matter what you failed to do that you shoulda, coulda, woulda done…

In the game of living and loving the best you can with what you know, you get stuck in some uncomfortable situations. And when you notice you’ve got grit in your teeth, dirt in your nails, and a weight on your shoulders, remember you can always keep hope in your heart.

There’s a culture of glitz and glitter and golf clubs that gets awfully distracting and keeps you in the race to chase the next thing on your to do list rather than stop to close your eyes and listen on the inside.

Take yourself to a place where the sky stretches to forever, and infinite possibility is there at your feet. You can decide to restore your faith in yourself and rebuild your sense of optimism about how beautiful and pleasurable your life can be.

It all starts with you.

Do what it takes to find that piece of yourself who DOES know, who IS enough. Trust yourself enough to lift your chin, your chest and start walking in the direction of your dreams again.

You’re allowed to fall along the way.  Just don’t stop walking or believing that you’ll get there.

Love and a persistent heart,



If you can’t make it to join us for our next Find Your Passion, Live Your Purpose retreat in Mexico, this is a great way to get the transformation of a retreat in the comfort of your own home.

Unless of course you just happen to be free next weekend, in which case, c’mon over!! There’s 1 spot left at our Lifestyle Design Retreat at the castle!