Tera Warner

Welcoming Change: What I Do When it Starts to Get Cold

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It seems just a blink ago I was lying on the lawn in my bikini and yesterday I was fully equipped with hat, scarf, mitts and sweater.


I love Nature.

I love the elements and smells and colors. But I would be lying if I said I “like” freezing my butt off in winter. The season of hot soups and roasted root vegetables is definitely upon us in the Laurentian forest already!

One of the things I do to make sure I’m ready for the chilly season, is simply let myself be a little colder!

I don’t crank up the heat as soon as the chill comes.

I get dressed up warmly and I get outside as much as possible. I breathe cool air into my lungs and let my body know the seasons are changing.

I run more hot baths and sleep with extra blankets, but I find the only way to be at peace with the season’s changes are to let them happen.

During our Back to the Wild Summit,we’ll be talking about lots of ways to strengthen and boost the immune system by getting back in communication with Nature and the elements! It starts on September 19th, so if you haven’t signed up yet, now is definitely the time!

Planning My Escape!

While winter can be majestic and enchanting, the truth is, I love the feeling of heat on my skin, sun on my cheeks and I organize my life to make sure I get a good dose of it in the middle of winter!

Check out this video to hear the stories of the women who joined us for sun and sandy beaches in Tulum earlier this year:

If you’d like to boost your Vitamin D with us this winter, join us in Tulum for The Ultimate Adventure in Self-Love and Authenticity.

Spaces are limited and seats are filling up, so now is definitely the time to book your spot in the sun with us for a wild adventure in discovering yourself in a way that you never have before!