Tera Warner

There’s An Epidemic and It’s Affecting You, Too!

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Butterfly Queen of Spain Fritillary - spring landscape

There’s An Epidemic and It’s Affecting You, Too!

In 1980 the term “ADD” was created and now we have an astronomical 6 million plus children on stimulant drugs because they apparently have a problem with their “attention.”

I’m a lover, not a fighter.

I err on bearing good news rather than rant about what isn’t right with the world. So by the power invested in me by the trees, the tides, the earth and the sky…

…I declare that we have a global epidemic of Nature Deficit Disorder!

This is a SERIOUS condition, the symptoms of which include:

  • feeling lost, directionless and out of hope
  • extreme sense of hunger (that never gets satisfied with food)
  • overeating, overspending, overstressing
  • undersleeping, underloving, underlistening
  • broken hearts, broken spirits
  • depression, sadness, loneliness and loss of passion
  • insufficient money, excess marketing
  • a whole lot of stress, tension and time spent worrying

You will never run enough races or sell enough stinky pink ribbon things to find a “cure” for this condition. The only thing that will save the day is an international inoculation of good news and common sense!!

Just Stop and Take Notice


Grab yourself by the scruff of the neck (leave all your electronic devices behind) and get to the nearest tree, lake, river, stream, park or grassy patch of green, then stop…

…and sit there a while.

Notice things.

Notice the trees, the bees, the breeze on your skin…

Notice the sun, the hum of life scuttering about at your heels and feel your heart beat.

Peel back the layers of glossy magazines and glitter stickers long enough to feel your feet on the Earth and remember that this place, is the one place we ALL call “home!”

In the race to chase a set of golf clubs at 65 we’ve come a long way from home and a few miles short of healthy and happy.

We can move back to a way of life that makes sense and speaks of simplicity and sustainability.

If you’re ready for a revolution in common sense, come join us!

Starting on October 6th we’ll be getting a bit messy haired and real-to-the-feel and we’d love you to come along.

Love and wild things,
