Tera Warner

Don’t Let ‘Some’ Day Become a Day of the Week

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Don’t Let ‘Some’ Day Become a Day of the Week

By Gina Ingram

Some day. Some day I will do it. Some day I will have the time to exercise, some day I will eat better. But as Dr. Phil says, ‘some’ day is NOT a day of the week! It took me a long time to figure this one out and I still have to remind myself.  But now I know the key to living a fulfilling life is replacing the ‘some’ day with this day!

The Universe Snapped Me Out of It

I caught myself saying it was okay, I will get to it one day, but one day never came. I kept putting off my health, setting aside the things that mattered to me the most. Eventually the universe got sick of tapping me on the shoulder and knocked me flat on my back with a brain tumor.

That certainly made me sit up and realize that THIS day is all I’ve got. I changed my diet and exercise program and set priorities for my health and fitness. I started to incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables, green smoothies, fresh foods and herbs and started taking better care of my body – not just some days, but every day. It worked, I felt better than ever and had more health and vitality than I did in my 20s.

Don’t Let the Now Pass You By

I replaced my some day with each day gradually, and sometimes I still feel a few steps behind. But I don’t give up. That’s the sad thing about doing it some day: we give up on ourselves, give up on the now and miss out on better health, better life and moments that we won’t get back.

One of the ladies I am counseling is a lovely and dear woman but she lives with some day! There is always an excuse to not take care of her – her wants, her needs. I started her on green smoothies and she loved them – she was on a roll, she started walking, drinking her smoothies each day and pounds dropped away, obligations too – she started doing more things to nurture herself. But then life got in the way – company, kids, obligations, not enough time to go for a walk, not enough time to shop for fresh fruits and veggies.  She said that was okay….one day…she would get back to it.

What Will You Do For This Day?

Listening to her story I realized that lately I had begun again to make some day a day of the week; I had gotten off track, wasn’t taking care of myself in the ways that I knew I could. I would do a cleanse, some day; research a Body Enlightenment programsome day. Suddenly I felt that little tap from the Universe again and was able to stop and say not this time. I decided, once and for all, to look at this day, see what I needed or wanted right here, right now. THIS day would be different. I signed up for the Remineralize Your Body Now program because there’s always room to learn more about taking care of this old body. And then I took a long walk on the beach with my dog and called an old friend.

What are your some days? Which ones can you do right now?

Meet Gina Ingram

Gina has acquired a lifetime’s worth of knowledge in the areas of nutrition, hormonal health, relationships and well-being. Looking to heal herself, after being misdiagnosed and taken on a roller coaster ride within the healthcare system Gina knows what it takes to break through barriers and find answers. Transforming her own health and vitality, winning her battle with weight, self esteem and hormones along the way – Gina has tried it all and believes there ARE answers for every woman, young and old. Food, exercise and the power of belief are her medicines of choice. Nothing makes her happier than breaking open her tool box full of ideas and possibilities and helping other women discover their path, find their answers too! She believes in mind, body and spirit – in life, it’s not about finding what size fits all, it’s about finding what size fits YOU! Contact Gina here: [email protected]https://www.terawarner.com/ginai