Tera Warner

Natural Health: My Aha Moment About True Hunger

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My Aha Moment About True Hunger

By Emily Nature

I’ve always told people that you already know what you need to know about how to be healthy, feel great and have more energy. All you need is to listen to your body and honor its desires. With knowing intelligence our bodies can tell us what to eat and when to eat and when to stop. It’s that simple.

When the Love Tank is Low, Comfort Food Takes Over

“But if I listen to my body, I’ll eat ice cream all the time!” one man said. “I know eating vegetables is good for me, but all I feel like eating is roasted pork with crispy skin! That’s what my body seems to want!” another girl confessed.

“Hmmm… there must be something more to this,” I thought to myself.

As the story goes, there has been a very special person in my life lately who has filled my love tank to the brim, and when I am around him, I eat super healthfully, the hunger signals from my body are clear and unmistakable. It is effortless. And then, boom! He goes away for a short trip. When I’m here alone, I notice that I feel hungry more often, I eat much more. There must be a correlation between my love tank and my food tank. When my love tank is low, I feel like eating lots of rice, noodle soup, and ice cream. All my comfort food!

It isn’t something new. We substitute food for a myriad of emotions all the time. When I feel hungry, often it’s because I’m hungry for life, hungry for true living, hungry for the sensations and excitement of living and being alive, hungry for true love and connection, hungry for beauty and sensuousness. Yet, frequently it is mistakenly interpreted as a sign of hunger for food.

So what is this feeling in my body wanting to slurp an ice cream cone or dig into a bowl of noodle soup? Isn’t this message from my body telling me something?

Tune In, Not Pig Out

And then… aaaaaaa… the moment of realization comes to me. That isn’t what my body wants, it’s what my taste buds are craving. My taste buds are seeking stimulation, pleasure, comfort, and for me they come in the form of rice, noodles, and ice cream. But if I drop my energy down into my body, down to my stomach, and be still… tune in to the message of my body… it’s very clear that I am NOT hungry at all. The feeling is starkly different from the true hunger I have experienced.

True hunger is something that stirs from the guts, the stomach, the core of you. It urges, it drives, it pulls, it persists. “True hunger is like sex,” my coach Tera Warner has said, “your body needs it and wants it and it should feel good.”

Because I have experienced TRUE hunger before, I remember it now. I can tell very clearly that my body is not hungry afterall, but my taste buds are craving for sweet and spiciness. So, if I choose to eat, it will be a conscious choice that I am substituting food for something much deeper that I desire. It is not because I am hungry.

That level of awareness is the very first step in living a simple, intuitive, fulfilled, and healthy life.

Can you hear the signals of your body? Can you tell if it’s your body that’s truly hungry or is it just emotional craving?

Want to learn how to decode the signals your body is sending you?….

The 10-Day Juice Cleanse program will help you tune in to your body’s needs and will leave you looking and feeling like the movie star you are!

All you need is a decent juicer, a whole lot of fruits and vegetables and a spirit of play and you’ll be set to begin our 10-Day Juice Cleanse.

We’ve made it easy-to-follow, easy-to-do and loaded with the support, expertise and information you need to prepare, complete and transition off the cleanse with ease!

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Meet Emily Nature

With her pure heart, free spirit, and expressive authenticity, Emily Nature is a swirling blue flower that sprinkles joy, playfulness, and vibrancy into life. Through a blend of wholesome food and poetic arts, she shows people how healthy living can be simultaneously fun, delicious, and sensational. As a Body Enlightenment Coach, she’s gonna sweep you onto a nature-inspired movement where you’ll all sing, laugh, spring, soar, and relish a luscious life!

Contact Emily at [email protected]