Tera Warner

Why You Might Need to Shred Your To-Do List

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Why You Might Need to Shred Your To-Do List

by Julia McIntosh

Many of us seem to naturally fall into the busy-ness of the go-go-go, fast-paced, productivity-driven culture in which we live.  I am among them.  It is easy to become one with the mindset that the more I do achieve, fill my schedule with, or roles I take on, the better person I am.  We feel that we are somehow more complete individuals when we are always busy, with something to do, or accomplish.  The infinite to-do list – never-ending, always evolving, being added to, crossed off – but never with a proper feeling of recognition or enjoyment of our achievements, no matter how small.  For as soon as we have crossed something off of our lists, whether daily or yearly goals, we feel immediately as though there will be emptiness on the other side.  In the having done, we have ever more to do.  Sound familiar? 

Opening to Possibility

A wise teacher recently told me that Buddhist monks relish in their feeling of permanent emptiness.  This is what they strive for, their ultimate state of Being.  This is because in the beginner’s mind, there are infinite possibilities, in the expert’s, there are few.  Yet in our cultural mentality of never being quite enough, we feel very wrong if ever we experience feelings of emptiness – as if there must be something terribly the matter with us, or we have some sort of problem that needs dealing with (read: depression, anxiety).

Isn’t it true that emptiness leaves infinite room for possibility?  Is our outlook shutting ourselves off from miraculous, beautiful mysteries of life when we do not stop to feel our emptiness; stop to see that we are nothing aside from being part of everything else?  That all of our running around and doing is contributing little positive goodness to the world around us if it is driving us into feelings of stress, inadequacy, or “never enough”?

Being Aware

We are enough, just as we are right now.  In fact, when we can begin to feel content and okay with our lives as they presently exist, we may feel free enough from the rat-race of achievement to contribute our gifts, the best parts of ourselves, to the whole of existence. So maybe for a little while you can set those lists aside and make room for something more important. If what’s on your to-do list is truly important, you’ll make it happen, right? The universe is waiting for you to become aware, to realize just how full your cup already is!

Inspiration at Your Fingertips

On that note, while you are aware and open- ready for appreciation and possibility, check this out! For a limited time, we are offering ALL FOUR YEARS of our WISH Summit calls, 190 calls with the world’s leaders in women’s health, for you to access for $10– yes all of them for 10 bucks. Insane- that’s because we’ve rounded up a remarkable crew of people who want to do good- and will receive far greater satisfaction than money can give. So, educate yourself, get in touch, get connected, be inspired! Sign up now.