Tera Warner

I’m Pulling Out My Parsley Pom-Poms for YOU!

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I’m Pulling Out My Parsley Pom-Poms for YOU!

by Tera Warner

Whoooooooa this is gonna be a doozie of a week.

1. I’m walking the red carpet for the Daily Love Extravaganza TONIGHT! 9pm Eastern. I hope you can listen in!

2. Your last chance to sign up for one of our Body Enlightenment programs this year is happening this weekend. The Original Body Enlightenment’s 30-Day Program kicks off soon and this is your best chance to be fit and slim and trim before the holidays hit.

3. Registrations for our upcoming TOOTH Summit are coming in by the thousands! This event is SO gonna rock your cavity-free cosmos! It’s an AMAZING event!

4. Something I’ve been working on for 9 years (count them: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 aaaaand 9!!!) is finally coming into being and I’m about ready to bust right out of my skin.

I’m so excited I don’t even know how to contain myself. If all goes as planned I’ll be sending out a special announcement on Sunday to let you know more about it.

It Hasn’t Always Been Easy

I won’t pull out the single mother, self-employed violin on you, Lovebeam, but the fact is that over the last few years building a business, juggling two wild child kids and part time study has required more courage, persistence and determination than I may have sometimes let on.

But these days, there are so many amazing people on the team and so many Earth-shaking, change-making things happening that the momentum has been building, and it appears the launchpad is ready for me to JUMP into doing the ONE thing I have been wanting to do for the last nine years!!!

But first…

I’m Pulling Out My Parsley Pom-Poms for YOU!

Sometimes Life is gonna try and cramp your style, ruffle your feathers and get your knickers in a knot. Whatever happens, your job is to keep your eyes on where you’re going.

Life is NOT easy. All the glitter and lip gloss and photoshop makes it look easy, but it takes courage to persist in the face of obstacles and it takes bravery to believe in a better world when the headlines keep trying to stir up fear in the seat of your soul.

Wherever you want to go, you can get there.

Whatever you want to do, you’ll do it.

Whatever you want to have, you’ll get it, I’m sure.

But it starts now.

In this moment.

With how you choose to BE.

The space you choose to take, the dreams you dare to create and the love and gratitude you permit yourself to feel in spite of all the reasonsĀ  you could find not to, these are your most valuable resources and when times are tough, this is where you need to make your investments count.

When you get to where you’re going, know that the obstacles you overcame along the way will make it all taste that much sweeter.

Love and the serenity of being,
