Tera Warner

Tap Into the Vibration of Abundance With EFT Master Carol Look

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field of flowers and abundance

Tap Into the Vibration of Abundance With EFT Master Carol Look

by Tera Warner

I am so fortunate for the fact that by interviewing these amazing people around the world for our WISH Summit,many of them have become dear friends. If I look back on the WISH Summit of 2011, one of the calls that had the most profound impact on my life was the interview with Carol Look on Abundance.

I remember sitting in my old living room looking at a tiny patch of glittery paint in the top corner of the room. I remember tuning into that little tiny thing I could feel a sense of abundance and appreciation about. Then everything changed. It was as though that little shift in perspective enabled me to create a domino effect of walking into one incredible experience after another.

This year, my living room is nestled in the Laurentian forest and I look out over a glittering lake! I couldn’t have imagined one year ago that I would have made such a dramatic improvement to my life’s conditions. Now, every day, I nearly BURST with gratitude for the sense of abundance I have because of where I live. Clean air, clean water, endless miles of nature for me to explore. This call changed everything for me in an instant, and for WISH 2013, Carol will be kicking off our summit to help us take it even higher. The following are key points from last year’s WISH Summit interview on abundance, but you can access the entire recording here.

What Does Abundance Mean?

WISH Summit Carol LookAbundance is a vibration or a feeling not a dollar amount in your bank account. Once you get that you can tune into abundance because you have the feeling and then the actual financial manifestations come into your life. What people do and
what I was doing is chasing the money by working harder, working more hours as if that was the answer and it’s not. You really have to change your mindset to understand that abundance is just a vibration and you can tap into that. Once you have mastered that idea, it makes it easy, doable and true.

Joy, optimism, hopeful, passionate. Whatever makes you feel really good and connected is a vibration. Light feelings that feel like all is wonderful with the world are vibrations. Do what you need to do to get into that state and it is not a big thing. Just looking at something that makes you feel good will get you into the vibration.

Always keep it simple.

Using written exercises that take less than two minutes are very simple. For instance, at the top of the paper write, “I love it when” and write down 10 things--things that make you feel better or relieved and relaxed.

When people are chasing money, power or love they feel like they lack something and need to chase it. In reality, there are so many simple things all around you every day that are satisfying. The lack mentality disturbs the vibration. If you relax more, the abundance comes in. Working harder is not the root.

It’s About Congruence and Clarity

WISH Summit Carol Look

Congruence, which means you can’t be coming from lack and expect money to come in. People are not thinking about money, they are thinking about how they can’t pay their bills. If you get congruent you will realize you can’t get wealthy when you feel poor. (Okay, folks! Here comes the part that totally transformed my life the INSTANT it happened… Ready for it?)

Find a way to feel rich. Not rich with money. Go out to the park, appreciate what you see and feel. It’s hard to feel poor when you feel good about something. Look at a laughing child. Find any small thing that causes you to feel the vibration of abundance and tap into it.

Clarity is finding ways to be very clear about making decisions about what works for us. Find a “yes” and a “no”. Be quiet long enough to shut out the clutter. Put your hand on your heart, close your eyes and think is this a “yes” for me. Doubt means don’t. It’s not a “yes” for this moment, just wait and recheck later to see if it changes. Yes and no are very clearly heard when you are listening to yourself.

How do you feel about somebody you really love? That’s a “yes” feeling.

How do you feel about someone that gets under your skin? That’s a “no” feeling. It’s that simple.

What is blocking you? Get more self-respecting, get quiet and find out what works for you. You will make mistakes. It takes practice, clarity will come. Instead of listening to other people, listen to yourself, tap into your own feelings. The universe is listening to you. If you are not certain, the universe will not open up to you. When it’s a “yes” there is no question at all…it just feels right. You will feel passionate and inspired.

Why Tapping Works

WISH Summit Carol LookIf you release limiting beliefs and the sabotage then the doors open for anything you want. It’s really easy if you target with meridian tapping and the law of attraction.

Tapping is borrowed from ancient acupuncture and modern psychology. What we are doing is tapping on acupuncture points on the face and the body while we are tuned into the problem. It’s like calling up a file on your computer. You can’t edit it, until you’re in it. If you pull up an anxiety, think about it, then do the tapping and it seems to relieve the stuck energy in our body. If you clear a belief that you don’t feel safe about it can be cleared with tapping. Pain issues that are triggered by emotional issues can be cleared with tapping. Talk therapy doesn’t
do enough. You have to go back into the body and find the trauma to clear it. You can learn more about the actual steps of Tapping here, or listen to Carol Look’s complete WISH Summit interview from last year.

What If You Don’t Feel a Difference or a Change?

WISH Summit Carol Look

Keep doing it and make sure you are really tuned in. Tap while you are focused saying words to clear the issue out of your body. Keep refining your words. With each tapping point say positive words about the problem. Then go back in and find the words to resolve the problem once you are clearer and more relaxed about the problem. There is no right or wrong. Repeat the real problem while you are tapping, say the truth and tune into the emotion of the problem.

Tune in and tap, tune in and tap, tune in and tap. If you are having trouble identifying the problem, go into your body and feel where you feel the anxiety and worries and where the tension is.

How Do We Make it a Daily Practice

enjoy your lifeOnce you get results don’t stop doing it. Make sure you put time aside maybe 5-10 minutes a day for a stress release. For example an appreciation list, and tapping with a target. Keep it simple and small don’t overwhelm yourself. You can use props. Look at clutter, what does it feel like? While you are looking at it tap and it will help you relax and focus.

Tapping is really affective when you turn everything off, say out loud what is bothering you, give yourself time and space, and tap. Tapping is really important in the moment, on the spot to stop aggressive behaviors. Take a time out, tap and relax before reacting. Reduce your anxiety and get calm. When you reduce your anxiety your energy changes.

A good exercise is to take out your bills that are bothering you, put them on the table, feel the anxiety and start tapping. Your overall abundance picture is cluttered and restricted. Once you relax the energetic restriction will be released. Procrastination is being stuck, blocked and it’s a tappable situation. What are your “Yes, buts”? Why are you afraid to get what you want? What doesn’t feel safe?

How Do We Overcome the Blocks About the Fear of Success?

WISH Summit Carol Look

Think about what it is that you are afraid of. What’s blocking your success or the issue that you just can’t overcome? Change your words, put them in the positive and keep tapping on the blocks that come up. Look at your life, your results to see if you have a blockage. Don’t get stuck on the results, look at the possibilities surrounding circumstances.

Every feeling and emotion is a tappable issue. If you want to know what you are sabotaging, take a look at your life, where you are, where you want to go and what’s keeping you from getting there. Ask yourself: What’s the downside of getting what you want? What’s the upside of having it? Choose a target then you tap. If you are in public, say the words in your head, tap, and focus to release. Any affirmation you use to release resistance the tool works. Acknowledge the problem, tap on it and move through it. You will get to where you want to go with clarity, congruence and a persistent practice.

Carol Look

A leading voice in the EFT community for nearly 15 years, Carol is the author of the popular book, Attracting Abundance with EFT, and has produced training products on abundance, pain relief, weight loss, and clearing clutter. Carol appears as an energy psychology expert as well as practitioner in the DVD documentary The Tapping Solution and in the veterans’ PTSD documentary, Operation: Emotional Freedom. She will be kicking off our 2012 WISH Summit with a call on how to release your subsconscious limiting beliefs so that you can prepare the terrain for all the wisdom coming down the pipes in the 40 days of WISH Summit that follow.