Tera Warner

Magic Socks to Boost the Immune System!

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Cold & Flu RemedyMagic Socks to Boost the Immune System!

– by Tera Warner

Since I’ve been sick, I’ve been getting tonnes of suggestions about how to make myself better and thought I’d share a couple here on the blog!

I’d also love to hear what you do when a winter cold hits and the green leafy power is not quite cutting it!

Here they are…

Magic Socks

  • Soak a pair of cotton socks in cold tap water; wring out excess.
  • Put on!
  • Cover with insulating socks (wool, fleece, thermal).
  • Go to bed.

The cold against the feet will increase the circulation to the feet in the body’s attempt to warm them up.  If this heat were to escape, the body would wisely and quickly constrict the vessels supplying the feet to reduce loss of vital warmth. 

However, by insulating the feet, the heat is being kept in, so the body never loses warmth and the circulation is maintained.  By increasing circulation to the feet, circulation will be driven all over the body, pushing blood and lymph through organs of immune function and organs of elimination.  The immune system gets a boost, and the intensity and duration of the cold tends to be diminished.  Typically by the morning, the socks are dry – thus, “magic socks” 🙂


Pure genius. 🙂  Thank you, Brandon!

Tight Turtleneck

And here’s another stand-out!  Who’s ever given this one a go?

My mother used to take a tube sock and wrap it around her neck and secure it with a safety pin and then wear it to bed to help her get over soar throats.  I have improved this method!  I wear a turtleneck sweater (with a tight fitting neck) to bed when I have problems with my voice or have a soar throat coming on.  It usually knocks it right out of my system!

Tea Anyone?

herbal tea

I’m on the mend for sure, but any great tips you have to kick the last of this cold to the curb, send ’em my way!

Let me know your craziest cold and flu home remedies (that you’ve tried and tested!) in the comments below.

I will send a pack of my custom blend Tera’s Teas to the BEST remedy, with gratitude, to warm up a winter’s night.


Let me know!


Love and hugs,
