Tera Warner

Eating Cooked Foods to Try and Heal…?

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Eating Cooked Food to Try and Heal... ?How I Went from Cooked to Raw to Cooked… and Back to Raw.

– by Christie Fischer

I began following a vegetarian diet about 13 years ago, whilst still eating seafood. A few years later the seafood got ditched. A couple of years after that I began the vegan thing (whilst traveling through Italy of all places). It was then a few years until I stumbled across the raw food vibe, and to be honest I can’t remember how but I do remember that instantly it felt right.  I knew it was my next step in terms of my diet.

I did my research and readings, asked questions and sought answers. Then met my current partner who had been eating raw for 4 years, and I remember calling my mum and excitedly yelling, “oh my god mum I’ve just met the coolest guy ever and we have so much in common and he even drinks green smoothies!!” – at the time no-one I knew was vegetarian or vegan, let alone dabbling into raw foods!

Finding My Raw Path

raw food pathMid way through 2009 I began eating a lot more raw but it wasn’t until January 1st 2010 I completely let go and was eating only raw. As it was Summer in Sydney it was very easy for me and the abundance of fruits is mouth watering to say the least.

I initially said I’d try it for one month (more to ease my mother’s mind), but by the time I stopped to consider where I was at, it was April. …And I felt great!!

The reason I began eating a solely raw vegan diet was for spiritual and personal development reasons. Now I know that might sound as far out there as the thought of aliens and extraterrestrials (so let’s not go there either), but I also know that for some of you, you will be nodding your heads in agreeance or at least in understanding.

That was my main reason. And why the thought of raw foods clicked with me when I first came across this lifestyle. It was only through doing it I discovered the hundreds of other perks that go along with it, like having so much more energy, a leaner physique, happier moods, clearer peaceful thoughts… the list goes on.

I knew going raw wasn’t necessarily going to be easy. Rewarding sure – but not a walk in the park. Some days it was easy as I went about feeling amazing, bubbly and energetic with my smoothies and veggies. But other days it was a struggle. And sometimes it still can be. But that’s what I consciously put my hand up for to go to where I wanna get to in life, so I continue to remind myself of that whenever I felt I needed reminding.

Anyways, back on topic here… why are we healing with cooked foods again?

The Roadblock on My Raw Path

raw food pathAbout 6 months ago, I had been feeling very under the weather to say the least. And for a good 3-4 months in fact. I’m usually the one bouncing around with energy, feeling great, sleeping well, and eating loads. Instead I’d been experiencing tiredness, lethargy, moodiness, constant recurrent headaches, a few migraines even, and no appetite (which is very unlike me).

I was going to bed earlier and earlier, only just keeping up with my workouts. I tried eating more for more energy. Then I tried eating less so my body could rest. Work was the same. College was the same. There weren’t really any major dramas going on in my life, but I constantly felt exhausted. All the time. I knew I was nowhere near my optimum and I was becoming sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!

Raw Foods and Chinese Medicine

Then during one session with my kinesiologist he mentioned a “Spleen Qi deficiency” and was certain that was my issue. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) a totally raw diet consisting of cold foods, juices, salads, smoothies etc isn’t really practiced and this choice of mine was only making all my problems worse. I needed more warming, cooked, drying foods to alleviate everything I was suffering from. Initially I poo-pooed the idea; not being open to the possibility and immediately shunning cooked foods knowing I feel like crap when I eat them. But as things didn’t improve I decided to do my own research on this “spleen qi deficiency” thing.

Healing with Cooked Foods to Reblanace my QiA firm believer in herbal remedies and traditional methods I’ve never doubted Chinese Medicine; I just didn’t know enough. So after books and books and online research I was very surprised with what I found –

A Spleen Qi Deficiency means that the life force of the Spleen is low, and it won’t be able to perform its functions properly. One guess as to its function… Digestion. Go figure. Story of my life.

The Spleen is in charge of turning food into Qi and then moving it along to our four limbs. So when this doesn’t happen it’s no surprise one would be feeling tired all the time. The body’s ability to generate Qi from foods eaten is compromised, and digestive strength is greatly compromised.

The Spleen is an Earth element organ system, so if we consider what happens to soil when there is too much water – it turns to mud, and things get stuck in the mud – that too is happening inside someone with a Spleen Qi deficiency.

All this was just one tradition’s spin on whatever ‘condition’ I had been suffering from, but as every single symptom and every single cause matched up to my reality, I couldn’t not consider it a possibility. That and the fact that my intuition knew this was my problem. And I now knew how to rectify it. What I didn’t know was for how long.

Cooked Foods to Try and Heal…?

raw food and chinese medicineSo It was about 3 months ago that I decided to try eating no raw food and only cooked food for a whole month. Even apples I would stew! I was willing to try this properly to see how I’d go. I was literally Nourishing My Spleen the way Chinese Medicine has been doing for centuries; by eating foods that are deeply nourishing while being easy to digest, warm in temperature and energetics. Cooked fresh foods. Loads of veggies, whole grains, legumes, greens. Everything steamed or stewed.

I was extremely surprised that I actually felt pretty good eating cooked foods again. Anytime previously I’ve felt very ill, extremely bloated, constipated, sleepy, or like I’ve been covered head to toe in a blanket. This time my energy levels almost immediately felt much better, my appetite returned, and I haven’t had a headache since. I felt a lot calmer and worried less, slept better, and woke up feeling alive most mornings (such a good feeling when you’ve felt the total opposite for too long)!!

Transitioning Back to Raw

But towards the end of the month a part of me did experience a feeling of death. This brought on tears and strong emotions which felt very unusual. Death of something past or death of something present I didn’t know. My physical body felt dead. It was horrible. Immediately I felt the strongest pull towards raw foods that I think I’ve ever felt. My body wanted the living foods again. Desperately.Transitioning back to raw

And so I began with a couple of small salads, a smoothie or two, fresh fruit, and felt really good. I had a feeling that for a little longer I’d be having warm cooked wholefoods on my plate alongside more salads and juices though, and that’s exactly what happened. I didn’t want to predict what I might do because I knew from my past that anytime I set out to try and structure the way I eat, I run into problems.

Listen to Your Body

I’m a firm believer in listening to what your body needs. I also believe that one particular way of eating definitely does not work for everyone. A raw food diet is fantastic; but I realize it may not work for everyone. A cooked vegan diet is wonderful; but it may not produce energetic-life-giving results to every individual either. Consuming meat is what some people may find their body needs in order to function at optimum. And sometimes (which in my experience is usually a slow and steady learning process) it can take a lot of trial and error to get there.

Back On The Raw Track!

raw foodSo where am I now? Back on raw, baby! My energy is back, I’m loving my workouts, sleeping fabulously, and not foggy or cranky.

I’m eating a lot more fruits than veggies at the moment but it’s what my body wants. And the organic oranges from the farm are out of this world and I cannot get enough!