Tera Warner

Jenny’s Kitchen Organization Tips For Raw Foods

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Jenny's Kitchen Organization Tips For Raw FoodsJenny’s Kitchen Organization Tips For Raw Foods

– by Jenny B.

Our family has been enjoying this lifestyle for about 5 years now! (Yay for us!)

We’d love to take a moment and share with with you some of the wisdom and helpful tips that we have discovered along this amazing journey to health and happiness.

And so, here are our top 3 tips to help in you in your own journey to include more whole, raw foods into your life!

1. Waste Not, Want Not

Jenny's Kitchen Organization Tips For Raw Foods

I do not like seeing things go to waste, so it was very hard for me when I would go to the fridge only to discover produce that had gone bad. And these were usually things that just a few days prior, the kids had seen in the store and were really wanting. The problem was that they kept getting pushed to the back of the fridge, never to be seen in their original form again.

I was doing some decluttering in our home office one day and came across a five drawer office supply storage unit that we no longer used. I have split shelves in my fridge, so I removed half of them and the unit fit in perfectly, with just enough room above to store a few more short items. Now we no longer have the problem of produce getting buried in the fridge! And since the drawers are clear, you can see at a glance what is in them.

2. Buy In Bulk

Jenny's Kitchen Organization Tips For Raw FoodsI am able to purchase many of the nuts, seeds and dried fruit we use in bulk. I take each case, divide the weight by 12, and then weigh out that amount and package it into individual bags. I then divide the bags into 12 piles and put those bags into 12 larger white bags that I have written the months of the year on. These are then stored in the freezer. I have found this to be a great money saver. When we run out of something, we know that we have to wait until the next month. It also keeps us from over-eating these treats so we can focus on eating more fresh produce instead.

3. Superfoods Unite!Jenny's Kitchen Organization Tips For Raw Foods

I keep all of my superfoods that I like to add to my smoothies in the same area. I really like being able to have everything at my fingertips, eliminating having to search through cupboards to see what I have.

When I buy superfoods in bulk, I’ll transfer some of it to a glass jar, apply a label, and put the excess in a storage closet that I have that isn’t particularly close to my kitchen or in the freezer.

It’s my sincere hope that these ideas will prove to be helpful and serve well you on your raw road to health.

Enjoy the journey!