Tera Warner

Mood Food: Top 10 Raw Foods To Improve Your Mood

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Mood Food: Top 10 Raw Foods To Improve Your Mood

Raw Foods To Improve Mood

– by Steph Gadsden

Clinical Depression is characterized by persistent low mood and/or a lack of enjoyment in pleasurable activities, and is often accompanied by changes in sleep patterns, energy levels and appetite, and increased negative, guilty or suicidal thoughts. In Clinical Depression, symptoms of depressed mood persist after any immediate stressful event or period of grief has passed.

Whether you are suffering depression or tackling a period of low mood, a raw food lifestyle could play a part to increase your well-being and boost your mood!

Depression and Raw Food

Depression and Raw FoodThere are many scientific theories relating to the cause of depression. Major underlying factors that may cause depression involve increased general inflammation, and the lack of nutrients in the diet that are needed for proper brain function.

These aspects may be addressed by a raw food diet that can reduce inflammation, support the adrenals and encouraging the production of vital brain chemicals called neurotransmitters that are involved with good mood (such as serotonin).


Key Nutrients Needed for Mental Health

Omega 3's Needed for Mental HealthProtein: If your diet is deficient in protein your mental health may suffer. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are key precursors for happy neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Tryptophan is a key amino acid for treating depression.

EFA’s: Essential fatty acids such as omega 3’s are known for their potent effects on brain function and have been used successfully to treat depression.

B vitamins: The B group vitamins such as folic acid, B6 and B3 are key co-factors involved in the synthesis of brain chemicals.

Other Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and iron support important neurological pathways.


Top 10 Raw ‘Mood Foods’

Include these top 10 ‘mood foods’ in your diet to beat the blues:

  • 1. Almonds – Contain high levels of B6 and magnesium
  • Eat raw sesame seeds to combat depression and improve your mood.2. Sesame Seeds – Don’t be put off by the size of these seeds… They may be small, but are densely packed with nutrients! Rich in calcium, these seeds also contain high levels of tryptophan and methionine, important precursors to mood-improving neurochemicals.
  • 3. Walnuts – Contain high levels of various minerals and omega 3’s.
  • 4. Chia Seeds – Potent vegetarian source of omega 3, packed full of essential amino acids.
  • 5. Guava – Contains high levels of Vitamin C and is rich in tryptophan.
  • Eat raw spinach and leafy greens to combat inflammation.6. Leafy greens – Kale, spinach, chard, bok choy and pak choy contain high amounts of folic acid. These foods are alkalizing to the body and combat inflammation that may be linked to depression.
  • 7. Kelp – High levels of calcium, omega 3, protein, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium are found in this gift from the sea.Avocados are packed with mood-uplifting goodness.
  • 8. Bananas – Rich in tryptophan.
  • 9. Avocado – Packed full of EFA’s, tryptophan and folic acid.
  • 10. Raw Cocoa – High in magnesium and triggers the brains production of natural opioids to make you feel good!


Natural Aids for Depression

Sunlight, the outdoors, and exercise are natural aids to beat depression.Green space – Getting outside and being “one with nature” has been shown to reduce rates of depression and anxiety.

Get moving – Regular exercise is a must for anyone suffering from depression. If your sneakers are covered in cobwebs, remember to start off slow by going for brisk walks or taking a yoga class.

Get in touch with your inner self – Mindfulness is a type of meditation derived from Buddhist practices. It is about focusing your attention on the present. 5-10 minutes each morning of meditation or mindfulness can help to improve mood and prepare you for the day.

Sunlight – Not only does sunlight stimulate the brains turnover of serotonin, it increases vitamin D levels; a powerful nutrient that improves mood.

Socialization – Remember that we need to connect with people and to have fun!

Correct nutrition is vital to help boost and maintain good mood.
Include these top ten ‘mood foods’ in your diet and feel the difference!