Tera Warner

Sheri McConnell Tells Business Women to “Man Up!”

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OK, so I was getting ready to write another weekly WISH Club email about Sheri McConnell, when I decided this is really too good. It must be shared.  Sheri McConnell is the CEO of the Smart Women’s Institute of Entrepreneurial Learning. I recognize that I need a guide, a mentor, someone to lead and inspire me to raise the level of my own game, and I’m seriously considering Sheri as my new coach/mentor. I’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime, I thought you might enjoy these little nuggets of wisdom from my interview with Sheri. They’ve been taken from our WISH Workbook which is available here, or you can sign up to listen to all the calls at any time.

“The biggest mistake is thinking small. There are no rules. People take one step at a time they don’t have to. You can skip steps, think bigger. There is lots of competition in the beginning and middle, but far less at the top because people don’t take that leap of faith. It requires hours, dedication, and courage and be willing to do what it takes to run a company.

“Know your skill set and allow others to do the jobs they know how to do well. They will do it efficiently, and economically. The money you save you can put back into the company or into you.

“Successful people are usually very nice people. What gets in the way is don’t get emotional. Women don’t naturally delegate, we start feeling guilty. You can’t run a company alone, by yourself. With clients emotional stuff gets in the way more than the money.

When men get up they say how will I make money today?

Women get up and say how can I help everybody?

Don’t get attached to the numbers and the failures. In business there are failures and successes and you have to move fast. Emotion gets in the way of keeping balanced. Leaders realize they have a bigger purpose. Leaders are leaders because they are able to let go of emotional attachments and they guide people to be their best. Roadblocks do not have to be complete drama. Just move on past it. Make a choice what you want to focus on. Our ability to make decisions has a huge impact on how things flow. We don’t make quick decisions because we are afraid that we won’t have what it takes to be successful. You have to put the blinders on and turn the emotions off.

Be intuitive.”


I could go on to talk about how Sheri inspires women to launch their internal rockets and raise the bar on what they’re willing to offer themselves, but you can listen to the call yourself when you sign up here, or grab a copy of the WISH Workbook and put it all into action. I will finish off by sharing Sheri’s WISH for women:

“Be aware of your own power. Women have such personal power within them. Entrepreneurship is all about creation. If you aren’t creating your soul is dying. Creation is whenever time disappears. When you are creating your sole becomes alive. It’s how we were made. Our souls create at a cellular level. People become unhappy when they can’t create. Entrepreneurship allows creation on hyper speed depending on how you do it.”

Now this brings up a big question for me:

I have recently been made aware of how my “masculine energy” is off-putting for a lot of the men in my life. How do we stay in our feminine as women, if we’re supposed to “man up” in business? Is it possible to express the best of both worlds? I’d love to know your thoughts about this. If you can, post them below! Thanks!

Love and best WISHes on hyperspeed,


I just decided to give myself a raise. 🙂