Tera Warner

Green Smoothie Glory Stories: Meet Laura Robson – A Gal With Muscles and A Mission!

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Laura Robson - green smoothie muscle powerGreen Smoothie Glory Stories:
Meet Laura Robson – A Gal With Muscles and A Mission!

– by Laura Robson

I am a Living Foods Chef/Educator and a Personal Trainer who is a transplant American living in Brisbane, Australia.  My “rawsome” life began about 3 years ago after purchasing a Vitamix for Christmas to break the 3 day fast I was on, and I began an addiction to Green Smoothies, consuming an upward of 4 liters per day.

I can attest to all their amazing benefits and have been on quite a self taught “Living in The Raw” journey since then, especially learning about the nutritional side of a “Green” life versus an animal protein adhered to one.  In my industry of fitness, I have had to fly in the face of bodybuilders and figure competitors and even group exercise instructors (as I’m also a Zumba Fitness Instructor) as I rock up to the gyms and facilities with my liter of Green Smoothie and get up on stage to teach or to workout.

laura robson - body building with green smoothiesI embarked upon my own personal experiment to see if I could in-fact show them how muscle is obtainable via a high raw food, vegetarian, green smoothie based lifestyle, so I began to train heavily for a women’s figure competition last year.  Low and behold, as the days and weeks went by and my interaction with hundreds of students and gym members/workers saw my transformation happening, I was able to walk onto the competition stage in the best shape of my life with plenty of muscle.

I’ll rewind my story just a bit and tell you the condensed version of my life prior to green smoothies and raw food.  I had a life of struggling with excess weight, and was considered the cute chubby girl, which only works in your favor until the age of 6 at best.  Then it’s not so cute to ingest the lifestyle foods of being “blessed” with a Polish Mother and Italian Father who love to cook or slather everything in lard/butter.  It left me with a lot of unhealthy eating behaviors, and the mentality of becoming a very shy girl who utilized food to keep the weight on as a way of protecting herself from hurtful remarks, and a dysfunctional family that underwent divorce.

Laura Robson - green smoothie musclesI managed to lean out once I became active in my teenage years, but not for long as I discovered alcohol and from there went onto abuse my body with fast foods as well.  At the ripe old age of 21 I looked in the mirror one morning at a very hungover girl who didn’t match her personality, and I decided that weighing 175 lbs and having a wardrobe of all items of black wasn’t a way of living.

I enlisted in the Navy, figuring that if anyone could whip my body into shape and give me a stable environment, it would be them.  It turned out to be a lifestyle of being taught how to exercise, but they forgot to teach us about nutrition or any eating habits that would be beneficial to support activity.  This only created a mindset that if I just run an extra mile or two, then McDonald’s can be the choice for dinner.

Needless to say, the minute I would stop exercising for more than 2 weeks, the weight came on quicker than ever. I spent my follow up years after my discharge from the service discovering the internet was very resourceful and embarking on a holistic path of nutrition. I even became a women’s bootcamp fitness coach and earned my personal trainer certification.

Since then I’ve evolved to an understanding that the “diet” industry is just that –  an industry, a business, that will keep people succumbing to the pills, powders, and quick fix detox gimmicks and equipment instead of empowering them to take responsibility for their own personal health and well-being by eating what was intended for their bodies and created in their backyards.

Laura Robson - Green Smoothie Lifestyle CoachA simple yet nourishing lifestyle is all that is needed, yet people have gotten so far removed from trusting their instincts and having a connection to them that they forget their body has the capability to heal itself, and to tell you exactly what it needs, if only you’d stop to truly listen.

So, dear, that’s my very condensed story of why I am so passionate about providing people not only with guidance, and some knowledge from my own experience.  I want to give people the necessary tools for them to realize just how easy the undertaking is for them to be “Living in The Raw” in a simple yet fulfilled way of being.

~ Laura

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If you’d like to benefit from Laura’s experience and expertise, be sure to visit her website below!  We look forward to articles and tips from Laura that will help you simplify and feel super!

Laura Robson, Certified Living on Live Foods Chef/Instructor & Certified Personal Fitness Trainer
Living in The Raw
Phone:  0411 104 705  (Australia)