Tera Warner

How Rainbows Can Help You Achieve Balance and Feel Beautiful

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~ by Carol Jensen

raw food rainbow

“Eating Green” is a fundamental part of living vibrantly. Yet there are other aspects to vigorous health that should not be neglected either.

It’s easy to keep life in balance and juggle the many aspects of a healthy lifestyle if we just remember the colors of the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. (ROY G. BIV as a memory cue.)  Here’s how a simple trick of visualizing symbolic colors can help you feel beautiful about your lifestyle choices.

red for blood-pumping exerciseRed, a symbol for power, strength and intensity, reminds us to engage in blood-pumping exercise. Diet alone is rarely enough to maintain optimal health. Exercise increases metabolism, releases endorphins, bolsters energy and strengthens all body systems. Every form of exercise is beneficial. A wise woman will incorporate activities to increase cardiovascular fitness, flexibility and weight-bearing capacity.

Matching the requirement for physical exertion is the need for invigorating mental/spiritual exercise, symbolized by the color orange because of its association with stimulation, energy and happiness. Reading, problem solving, and meditation are some of the important activities in this category. No one wants a dull mind any more than a lifeless body, yet studies are showing that without continued inspiration, the human brain can diminish in its capacity.

Yellow, a color representing brightness, cheer, awakening, and spontaneity, stands on the rainbow as a reminder of the need for frequent exposure to sunshine. Not only do the sun’s rays help us manufacture the essential vitamin D not obtained through diet, light spurs emotional health as well. Most people know that depression is much more common in northern climates where daylight hours are shorter in the winter than in tropical zones where sun exposure is much higher. It takes roughly 15 minutes a day of sunlight for our bodies to manufacture enough Vitamin D to be healthy.

eat your greensJust as it is important to get some sunshine every day (if possible) and to engage in physical and mental/spiritual exercise daily, it is crucial to eat green daily too. Green is the color of nature, growth, freshness and healing. Living foods and the raw food diet keep our bodies safe from disease and increase our stamina. Like the evergreen tree that never loses its color or its leaves, foods that are eaten while still growing or immediately following harvest give the promise of extended youth. A note about rainbow eating might be helpful here: a diet that includes as much color and variety as possible is likely to be more nutritious than a diet that focuses on just one color.

Blue is the color of fresh air & pure water, which bring purity, tranquility, wisdom, and truth. Untainted air and water, the basis of all life, help us purge out toxins and think clearly. We should take “big gulps” of both throughout the day.

The color indigo, symbolizing consciousness, depth, integrity and expertise, reminds us to get sound and sufficient sleep because alertness and precision are impossible if we are chronically sleep-deprived. It is estimated that almost 74% of adults do not get enough sleep each night and 51% of adults have problems sleeping at least a few nights each week.

fasting for detoxificationFinally, violet, represents occasional fasting, a practice known for strengthening mental acuity in addition to detoxifying various organs. Therefore, it is linked to the color that is associated with wisdom, independence, and creativity. Many people benefit from short (24-36 hour) monthly fasts or from longer fasts that last for several days undertaken once a year.

The rainbow shows us that good health can be beautiful. Just as rainbows are made from all the colors together, vibrant health is produced from the connection of all the elements above.


If you need help balancing and connecting the elements of health, join the 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox and enjoy a month of rainbow support!