Tera Warner

Sheila Kelley Helps You Cultivate Your Curves and Feel More Sensual (and Fit) Than Ever

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It’s Valentine’s Day coming up just around the corner, and I couldn’t resist sharing this interview with Sheila Keely.

If anyone has the moves, this woman has the moves. I distinctly remember during the intermediate video in her S-factor series, I was following her instructions and had one of the most pleasurable “me moments” ever. Sometimes I’m surprised at the degree to which we just fall out of communication with our bodies and ourselves.

There are some smokin’ hot speakers on this year’s WISH lineup and I know your inner tigress will be purring like never before. 😉

For now, why don’t you tune into this call and then turn on your own S-factor. As Valentine’s Day approaches, falling in love with your own curves and graceful movements is the best gift you could give to yourself (and your lover!)


You can listen to this interview here:

