Tera Warner

Hey, Neighbor

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Hey, Neighbor.

Do you have the latest super-powered, sun-dried, crystal-charged superfoods?

Can you make triple chocolate fudge brownies with coconut frosting on top?

Does your mandolin slice carrots into little diamond-shaped nuggets?

Does it matter? 😉

We spend so much time trying to get the best food, the tastiest
recipes, the fanciest gadgets. All this hustle and hassle is such a
distraction when the thing we really need is each other.

Stop and smile at someone in the street, today, even if their eyebrows are all wrinkled up with stress.

You wanna know what makes the world a better place? People like you with the courage to persist in spite of the obstacles toward a Life, not a diet, that inspires and uplifts you.

We need inspiration, not dehydration.

We thrive on support, not superfoods.

Love tastes much sweeter than lucuma powder.

Just knowing you’re out there, having the same
conversations with yourself about food and fatty acids makes the world
a better place for me, so keep on keeping on.

Your biggest fan and admirer,