Tera Warner

Today, The World Suddenly Got Alot Smaller

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To all the multi-tasking mamas who are the peacemakers, the boo-boo kissers, the tear wipers, the lull-a-bye singers, the grocery shoppers and menu makers, the domestic engineers and working Wonderwomen, the visionaries who see the best in our children and work tirelessly, invisibly…the list of our titles and duties goes on and on…

wish-banner-slimTODAY is International Woman’s Day! And I invite you to join with me and about 10,000 other women around the world, in a celebration of our womanhood! We are gathering like women have done since time immemorial to tell our stories, share our collective wisdom and concerns, offer support and solutions, and have communion- united communication in the spirit of building community.

Tera and I have been excitedly working together to produce the biggest, most world-class event of its kind to celebrate Women’s Day. It’s called WISH Women’s International Summit for Health.

If you enjoyed the raw Mom Summit you are going to love this!

We have included over 40 of the world’s most sought after speakers for this, in and outside of the raw community including Marianne Williamson, Dr Mercola, David Wolfe, Janet Attwood, Tonya Zavasta, Marci Shimoff, Victoria Boutenko, and many, many more!

We discuss all the things on the minds of modern women today: Finances, Health, Beauty, Relationships, Self-Worth, Parenting, Sustainability, Spirituality etc etc and yes, it is available for FREE over the next 10 days.

WISH Women’s International Summit for Health

They say it takes a village to raise a child, well, the global village just got smaller because we are bringing a stellar line up of world speakers right to you. With this online banquet of delicious topics and speakers, all made with love for you to be lavished with and enjoy, my hope is that you feel as I do, that the world is getting smaller and that women are getting closer. Our connection regardless of our physical proximity is enhanced when we can come together in the spirit of celebration and empowerment, and that is what WISH is all about.

christine_aruyloThese people I interviewed and their contributions just opened my world to so many things, it is truly a gift that will keep on giving as I continue to assimilate everything I learned. For example, I’ll leave you with this teaser which came from one of the calls that just blew me away that will be made available as a BONUS~

One of the key distinctions I became aware of just this week which has actually CHANGED MY LIFE came as I interviewed Christine Arylo who wrote the book Choosing Me Before We- It is that Self-Esteem is NOT the same thing as Self-Love…Do YOU know the difference? Overwhelm and exhaustion are sure signs you may not…Please post your answers below.

Happy Women’s Day!
