Tera Warner

The Best Fats to Use for Healthy, Glowing Skin

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by Tracy Neely

faceNot all oils and fats are created equal.
Heavily processed, hydrogenated, “trans” fats and oils that are used in prepared, packaged foods can be extremely damaging to the body.

However, fats and oils from whole foods and other high-quality sources can steady our metabolism, keep hormone levels even, nourish our skin, hair and nails and provide lubrication to keep the body functioning fluidly. Our bodies also need fat for insulation and to protect and hold our organs in place.

One of the best ways to achieve healthy glowing skin is by using virgin coconut oil.  Virgin coconut oil is coconut oil that has not been refined or produced with high temperatures and chemical solvents.

CoconutsUn-refined or virgin coconut oil applied topically is probably the best treat you can give to your body’s largest organ.  The fatty acids present in virgin coconut oil like medium chain fatty acids (mcfa), lauric, capric, and caprylic are normal components of the skin and serve as a replacement for lost lipids in the skin barrier. Medium chain fatty acids are easily digested, absorbed, and put to use nourishing the body.

Unlike other fats, they put little strain on the digestive system and provide a quick source of energy necessary to promote healing. A healthy percentage of high-quality fat in a meal satisfies and leaves feelings of energy, fulfillment and warmth.

When there are excess fats and oils in the diet, especially heavily processed fats, symptoms can include weight gain, skin breakouts, high blood pressure, liver strain and an overall feeling of mental, physical and emotional heaviness. Signs of insufficient high-quality fats are brittle hair and nails, dry skin, hunger after meals and feeling cold.

Oils like flaxseed, sesame,walnut and pumpkin seed are best used unheated in sauces or dressings on top of salads and veggies. Other healthy fats are found in whole nuts and seeds and in their butters like almond butter or tahini.

Whole foods such as avocados, olives and coconuts are great sources of healthy fat. Experiment with these healthy fat sources and see which work best for you and leave you satisfied.

*** Tracy Neely is the founder and owner of  Nourish & Flourish Healthy Living, a holistic nutrition and wellness consulting business located in Orlando Florida. Tracy’s love for raw foods led her to implement raw food cooking demonstrations within her consulting business.Tracy is a mother of a wonderful little boy and a wife to an amazing man and enjoys doing yoga, juicing and creating green smoothie recipes, reading books and going for walks with her family.