Tera Warner

I’ve Been Osterized! Getting a Cheap Blender to Work Miracles

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In honor of our upcoming International Green Smoothie Day, this is another friendly hijacking courtesy of the ever-youthful, ever-green, Green Smoothie Queen:

In preparation for International Green Smoothie Day, I’ve been upping my green smoothie quotient.

This morning was a test.

I’ve always told people that you don’t need a fancy, shmancy blender to do the Green Smoothie Challenge. I’ve always told people that they can just use a cheap $10 Osterizer from a garage sale to do the trick.

But as long as I’ve been a raw foodist, I’ve always had a fancy, shmancy blender. So what did I know? Until, this morning!

I had spotted his Osterizer some time ago and decided that it would be perfect for trying out some kitchen experiments for raw foodists on a budget!

Well stocked with Swiss chard from our little garden plot, and oodles of fresh fruit, this morning I decided it was time to pull out the OSTERIZER!

I loaded it up with:

  • 2 fresh bananas
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 2 peaches
  • 1/2 cup of Mr. Right’s Tropicana juice. 😉

If you’re hard core, just add water. I was trying to impress the Prince of Prosciutto, so I sweetened it up with some of his favorite juice!

Then I got this whizzing, whirring, stirring and blending in the old Osterizer until there was a creamy smooth consistency happening. (Honestly, at this point I was already very impressed with the smooth texture.) I was expecting the peel of the peach to be a bit chuncky, but it was smoooth as smoothie gets.

That’s when I started adding the Swiss chard.

I don’t usually add the spine of the leaves. I suppose I added about 5 or 6 big leaves before I called it quits.

I was SHOCKED, AMAZED, IMPRESSED and sooooooo SURPISED that the cheap little Osterizer had pulled off a green smoothie of magnificent smoothness.

Could she have pulverized parsley with the same finesse? I’m not sure.

Could she have done it to grape skins, or think, curly kale? Hard to say.

But this morning’s ingredients were no competition to the persistent little blades of this blending beauty.

I still loooove my Blendtec. I don’t think this little Osterizer could ever pump out almond milk or other concoctions that I’ve come to love with my fancy, shmancy blender. But the proof is definitely in the green pudding this morning:

When you’re starting out on green smoothies

and managing a budget, you definitely,

definitely do NOT need to spend

a fortune on a blender!


Aside from the 10 reasons I’ve written before about why I prefer Blendtec, and aside from the fact that Blendtec wins the banana ice cream making competition HANDS DOWN, E V E R Y TIME over other blenders that might attempt to compete against it, the BIGGEST reason I am fiercely loyal to Blendtec is because they have no quarrel with the fact that we tell people they do NOT need to buy a fancy, shmancy blender to make green smoothies.

When International Green Smoothie Day launched last year, we were actually approached by another company who offered to sponsor us. We politely declined when we were told that their sponsorship was conditional upon us removing all traces of garage sale/hardware store blenders from our site and instead telling people that they must buy their fancy, shmancy blender to make green smoothies.


Money should NOT get in the way of your health!

Here’s a BIG Green Smoothie toast to Blendtec,  and to Osterizer-uses everywhere and here’s to making due with what you’ve got when you’ve got it!

Because grass roots grow, Baby, and you’ve gotta start somewhere.

Now, I’m off this soap box and outta here to take on the day!

Charmed by chard,

Green Smoothie Queen