Tera Warner

21-Day Challenge: Whose life are you living, anyway?

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I thought I posted this last night, but after bonking my head on the keyboard for the 20th time, I just went to bed. Anyway, here’s the message that was supposed to have been delivered at the end of a day to be reckoned with:

What a day! I’m not going to spend any time mitching and boning about it, but I will say that the above question is a very good one.

This started as being about how to get back the steering wheel on your life–no matter what happens, no matter who knocks you down. Holy Moley, Macaroni, it’s almost as if Life is doing everything she can to test out my driving skills this week!

Whose life are you living, anyway?

I cannot promise that I won’t piss off or annoy a few people in my path despite my best intentions to lead a loving, honest life. If there’s something you learn working in customer service it’s that you really can’t please everybody.

I’m inspired this afternoon after an interesting day 😉 to ask you these questions:

  • Do you change yourself to have the approval of others?
  • Do you speak your thoughts as you feel them–with respect, but honesty?
  • Do you say what you mean and mean what you say?
  • Do you seek praise or approval from others and change yourself to get it?
  • Do you live your life as the passionate expression of who you are, where you are, as you are?

It’s tough sometimes not to mold ourselves to a social veneer. Fat, ugly, short or stubby we all have our way of being and living and looking. And sometimes this way of being is bound to rub someone else the wrong way. Chalk it up to karma or “vibes” if you want to. The bottom line is, you gotta be you even if being you ruffles feathers sometimes.

I won’t be able to say at the end of my days that I didn’t step on anyone’s toes, cuz hoooooly moley macaroni, I did step on toes. But I risked a lot and pushed hard to touch the most people I could with a message that I believe in. That’s what’s going to count the most for me at the end of my days.

Today is MY first day of this challenge. It’s the first day I’ve had to sit down and think about what I want out of this adventure. I’m settled into my new apartment and it feels good to be connected and to have a place to put my wandering roots for a little while.  I’m focused on the positive and excited about the adventure.

I just finished a super-inspiring interview with Susan Shenck. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow, and give you access to some neat info and an amazing recipe she passed along to me.

I’m on my way to go get some groceries and here are the things I’m committing to for the duration of our lead up to Summer:

Eat raw. No finger dipping in the cooked food sauce. Just raw, raw, raw, raw. 🙂 Because I want to and because I can. 🙂

Chill out on the salt (even sea salt) consumption.

Work on not eating late.

Work on not working late.

Sleep when I’m tired.

Make a juice every day.

I still have to figure out the points, but hey… even if I get a good 10 out of 21 days, that’s better than none. I’ll be back with an inspiring interview tomorrow and more thoughts to think on.

