Tera Warner

Monique Speaks on Sulphur Allergies and MSM

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Here is the Question:

saladHi Monique! I have an allergy to sulphur, so unfortunately MSM is not an option for me. I drink at least one quart of green smoothies every day (kale or collards with fruit, spirulina, and flax seeds). I am having some of the same symptoms I experience when I ingest sulphur, although more mild, but uncomfortable nonetheless. It makes sense that some whole foods would naturally be higher in sulphur content than others. Which ones should I avoid or eliminate entirely? I love them all, but will do what I have to do. Thanks in advance for your response!

Best Regards,
Julie Keefe


Hi Julie,

First I’d like to ask you, what are your symptoms? Also have you seen a doctor to confirm that you have a sulphur allergy and not something else? The reason why I’m asking this is that symptoms can be very similar sometimes, but be caused by different things all together. It sounds like your daily green smoothie might be too much, too often for your body to handle, but remember that sulphur is a constituent of protein and other biomolecules that you obtain from food and are required in trace amounts in your diet to sustain your health.

So, because you need sulfur, as long as you’re getting adequate protein each day, you should be fine. For myself, I have problems with the sulfur in onions if I have too much. When I have small amounts less often, I’m fine.

shoppingThe following is a list of foods that have sulfur, but instead of omitting these foods altogether, try consuming them in smaller amounts. Your body might be able to handle this better, because if you eliminate certain foods, like Kale for example, you will be losing other important nutrients as well. If you decide to eliminate foods, make sure that you’re getting the nutrients that you’ll be missing from other foods.

You will ultimately have to be the judge on what you decide to do. Listen to your body and talk to your doctor.

Remember, a diet adequate in protein commonly contains enough sulphur.

The main sulphur-containing foods are:

brussels sprouts
leaf lettuce (all types)
onions (leeks-onion family)
snap beans
string beans
horsetail (herb)
nuts (almonds, filberts, walnuts)
alfalfa sprouts

Important note: sulfa, sulphur, sulfer are all the same substance. Sulfa and sulfer are American spellings and sulphur is apparently British.

If you’re not eating a strictly raw/vegan diet, you will have to check labels and avoid the following: alcohol, and certain medical drugs.

For more information you can check out : www.diagnose-me.com

Hope this helps.

Take Care